Sir and I belong to a Rope Group that meets once a month. I have not had the experience of using jute yet. Most of us in the group use 1/4″ twisted cotton. It is much less expensive. No care really needed other than the occasional spin in the washing machine. Especially if it touches the lady bits or lots of sweat. It is very easy to care for. And comes in tons of fun colors.
Sir and I get our online. It comes in a plain white color. Then I take my crafty skills and dye it with fabric dye. It takes a little time, but you can then have any color you want. You can also buy it online from many crafters. We have a gal in our local group that dyes it and then sells it. But I can also do it and it is much cheaper for me to do our own. Plus, I like knowing that it is something I made. We even have a few that are 2 colors. Half and half at the bite of the rope. So it looks like you are using 2 ropes, but it is really only one. Sir loves those.
It is very strong. We and the other in our group use it for suspensions. And I am not the smallest of gals. 😉 It is soft on the skin. And softens even more with use. And if you order it in bulk like we do, you can cut it any lengths that you want. Sir doesn’t like to have to add rope, so we cut ours in 50 and 30 foot lengths. Most will recommend 20 and 30. But by making them longer for me, he only needs to use one for a chest or hip harness. Especially if he gets more creative with the design he wants.