
  • Posted by sirdklittleone on at

    Being so new to this, I wanted to share a ritual we started and get some ideas for other ones! Sir told me to start tucking him in if I’m not going to bed at the same time. We talked about what that would entail, starts with me entering our room, removing my clothes while he watches, then I kneel before Him and wait for Him to take His clothes off, He then lies down, I wait for Him to tell me to start. Once He tells me to start, I kneel between his legs by his feet, apply body lotion to his legs (super dry from working outside) and kiss my way up, once I’m up to his face, I wait for Him to kiss me good night, work back down with kisses, I stand, cover Him then kneel beside Him tell Him how much I love Him, and wait for Him to release me. If I’m going to bed at the same time, the ritual is the same, except instead of releasing me to finish my day, He calls me to His bed. I love this part of my day!

    We would love some other ideas for rituals!

    sweetpea-prema replied 5 years, 6 months ago 8 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Hi SirDKlittleone,

    That sounds really nice. We’re super novice and can’t really be called D/s (yet, hopefully). I know now I am sub, and C is … well C is C and I am waiting to see what she wants to become. So we definitely don’t have any formal rituals. That said, I do love rubbing C’s feet until she falls asleep.

    Last night we were watching a movie and I was sitting in the floor idly rubbing her feet. C dozed off and after the movie was done I shooed the kiddos off to bed so I could go back down and kneel before her to give a proper foot rub. I actually fell asleep kneeling and woke up an hour later with really stiff legs. 🙂


  • terenya-still


    My sir and I don’t really have rituals. Rules yes, but rituals…not really. I have to wait for him to pull out my chair for dinner before I can sit. But I think that is more like a rule than ritual. We don’t even watch a tv show consistently so I’m not sure we’d end up with rituals even in the long run.


  • kleine.CGH


    We try hard to complete our rituals every night. But there are times my Dom has mercy when vanilla creeps in. We never fall far. D/s-M is too addicting to go without for too long :).

    We end and begin our day with D/s-M. Every night after the kids are down I go wait for Mein König naked and kneeling. He will come to put in my cuffs and/or play collar. Then help me up.

    I’m the mornings I do the same kneel and wait. He removes my cuffs and/or collar to place my day collar. He helps me up and slide on my panties he picked for the day. I’m a picky subbie so that’s not always a easy on for me. But I try. I will say him picking out my panties is something we never stray from. We both feel a lose of connection to great to miss out on it.

    It took us about a year and half to figure this ritual out and how it works for us. My best advice for ritual is kind of an oxymoron. Don’t take them too seriously and have fun with it.


  • sirdklittleone


    🙂 preparing Sir for bed is one of my favorite parts of my day! Its complete a skin on skin, mental connection for both of us. There have been a few nights that we have missed and do we ever notice the next day! Sometimes its leads to vanilla with a twist play, sometimes just Sir holding me tight and sleep. We talked about it in a downtime and have agreed that this is a ritual for us not to forget or get too busy/tired, the disconnect the next day is simply not worth it. So it’s not only super enjoyable for both of us, it’s a necessary connection for us as well 🙂

  • pearl


    Our only ritual is at bed time. I get on our bed, head down/ass up for inspection. This my absolute favorite time of the day and Sir has said it is his as well.

  • 650s


    For me and my Sir, when he’s home, we have a couple rituals that we follow. When he gets home or at a point in the evening, I fix his drink. I’m trying to always be the one fixing his drink. Then at bedtime we sit at the end of the bed, him on the bench, me on the floor at his feet. We usually have downtime, sometimes he just strokes my hair and face, often he lets me give him a bj, sometimes I don’t get very far before he decides that it’s playtime. I love this! For me, it quiets my mind and helps me sleep. 😊😍

  • minx-prema


    We have the ritual of me needing to get permission to get into bed. We are working on the ritual of collaring me after the kids are in bed so I have it on during the evening. Another that has become a ritual is taking over the grooming of Sir…so keeping his hair cut and his nails trimmed and filed.

  • sweetpea-prema


    Every morning i wake Sir with Good morning my Sir and he reply’s Good morning my Sweetpea then I get up and make Us both a cup of coffee. We sit in our room and talk about what our day looks like and just be together for 15-30 minutes. He removes my ankle cuffs and lays out my panties. Newly implemented- we stop whatever is going on as soon as we are both home and give each other undivided attention. Even if it’s just a few seconds. Kids, homework, dinner whatever is happening can wait 15 seconds for us to greet each other, hug and just check in. At night rituals vary depending on the situation. But without fail my cuffs are put on before I climb into bed.
    These are by far my favorite times of the day!

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