Because I am an equestrian I can attest to the fact that there are a ton of different types of “riding crops” or a term my trainer likes to use (and makes me laugh every time) “beating device”. A true “crop” or “bat” is short, aprox. 15 inches with a varying size and shape of leather tag on the end. I have most recently taken one out of our barn that my daughter outgrew-hopefully she’ll never miss it or find it in our bedroom and wonder why! It is sparkly pink with a star shape on the business end. I can’t wait to encorporate it into our scenes. Most you find are black unless you go to a tack store. They will run anywhere from $15-50 in a tack store. Another type of whip or crop, is the Dressage whip. These are longer and thinnner, typically a nylon or cotton fiber woven over a cane of some sort. The most common and less expensive ($20-30) will have a fiberglass center. The more expensive ones will have birch or some other type of wood cane in the center, these will cost anywhere from $50 to $100. The feel and balance of the dressage whips in a hand will differ, so it is best for your Sir to try them and see what feels best in his hand. The business end of the Dressage whip will have a “tail” on it. This too can be made of different material and is different lengths. This is what causes the sting. The longer the overall whip the more severe the result. If you choose one of these, please be careful! Wielded inappropriately, these type whips can be very nasty and can break the skin easily. Please make sure your Sir knows how to use them before attempting the use of them on you!