It is going to be ok. Slow down and lets talk. I agree you need to pull back. It is not time to show him hard core BDSM stuff you want Him to do to you. He isn’t ready, and that is ok. You probably have been thinking of all of this much much longer than he has. All He probably knows is that you are not happy and He has no idea what it is He can do to fix it. You said you wanted this to ensure a wonderful future together, I understand. But the first thing you need to know is that vanilla or D/s, this is still the same marriage. Just with different elements to help fix the issues that weren’t working before. Take the kinky sex out of it. Lets get down to the foundation……. What is it that you see you’re D/s being like? What is it to you that makes D/s so special? Have you stopped and started thinking about what all this means to YOU? I know we spoke briefly on this, but it is a huge thing! Until you understand what it is you want, how are you going to describe it to Him?
Here’s my suggestions….Journal and meditate, until you see and understand the very foundation of this dynamic. Here is how I see it: It is the same marriage! It is not some magical role play that you both change yourselves to fit. No! D/s molds to you! It changes with you! It is not a brand new marriage that you both change everything for. You both sit down and start right where you are now. You start by being open and honest. No more bullshit. Trust one another to handle complete honesty. Sweep everything out from under the rug. Agree to let whatever has happened in the past to stay in the past. No more holding anything over each others head. Let it all go. This is a new start and a new chapter for your marriage. Next talk about what it is in each other that you both appreciate. Maybe its the way you wear your hair or the way he brings you flowers on special occasions. Every little thing that you love about the other, say it now. Fall back in love. Remember what it was about the other that you fell in love with. Then talk about what didn’t work in the old way and how you both would like to fix it. Communication, was it there? Was it manipulative? Did you each expect the other to read the others mind? Did you ever communicate openly and honestly until now? So then fix it. Agree what you each could do to better communicate with the other. Do not only point out what He did wrong! This is where a lot of vanilla relationships have trouble…..look to yourself first. What part did you have in it? How could you have done better? Next, talk about your roles. Often when people get married they jump into it and think they both need to be equal. So no one ever talks about who should do what. Both fight for power and control and to be heard. That is what needs to change here. Explain to him with respect how you want him to take back the Home. You want him to be the head of the household, in all things. You want to support him and not fight for the power anymore. And then do it!!!! That last part is the toughest to hear, so I will say it again…..Then do it! When he makes a decision, follow it. Do not second guess him. Give input when it is needed, guide and suggest but then leave the final decision up to him and follow it. In the beginning it is easy to then tell yourself he is doing it wrong. I need to correct his decisions, because you are learning too how to trust him. But it is critical that you follow and not undermine him. That was the old way, now there is a new day and a new way. Agree to your roles. Whether you stay at home or work full time, agree what each of you will do in your D/s circle. Do not step on each others toes. He no longer “doesn’t care” about certain decisions.He is in charge of all decisions, even if that is Him saying “he delegates this to you”. And you will follow his decisions. He will protect you and provide for you (whether emotional or financial or both) and you will support him (emotionally). He is the Man of the House and takes pride in being the King. You are the queen that has the Kings ear, but stands back when it is time for him to rule. You provide support, and nurture Him in every way you can. You are not a stepford wife that follows without emotion or thought. No, you follow because you trust him and know that your side of the circle is just as important. Still be who you are. Ask Him to still be who he is. Just now, you both appreciate, communicate, trust, and have your own unique side of the marriage. You see, the very foundation of this is not about kinky sex. It is about finally finding a way to not just exist within a marriage, but to thrive together!!!! To be so in love that you wake up each day with a giddiness you had when you were dating. To dress for him. Get your hair and nails done the way he likes it. Thinking ahead of time what you could do to show your appreciation for all he does. Without expectation!!!!!!
To give you a little back story about me, I did not appreciate my husband before D/s. And it drove us apart. I stopped caring about how I looked, I gained A LOT of weight, I blamed Him for everything. I fought for control because He had stopped caring, and every time I would ask where he wanted to go for dinner, his answer was “I don’t care”. Which by the way are the 3 words that are banned from our home now. I wanted out of our marriage. And come to find out, so did He! He had had it with a wife that didn’t care about herself anymore. He didn’t understand why he worked so hard for a wife that didn’t appreciate it. All she wanted was more. He was never good enough. And so we grew apart. Which is so sad, because our love story is a very special one that I will share another time. It wasn’t until I finally looked at myself through his eyes that I got it. Why should I expect Him to care, when I don’t care either? How could I expect Him to be a leader in our Home when I had emasculated Him so much the he felt his opinion didn’t matter? So i decided to change. Me first. and now whenever something is going wrong or feeling off in our D/s, I look to myself first. Did I have a role in it? What could I have done better?……I appreciate Him from the bottom of my soul for everything He does. When I say thank you, or I appreciate you, He knows I feel it! I don’t just say empty words in hopes that He will tie me up. I say them because I mean them. I appreciate Him. No expectation needed.
Finally, patience. Lizzy, with or without the BDSM part, the D/s dynamic is so simple. It is about falling back in love, but this time getting it right! No more fighting, no more holding things over the others head. So sit down with him (print this off it will help) and talk to Him. Sit at his feet to show your respect. Keep it respectful. And then have patience.
I truly hope this will help you. Please message me if you need anything!!!! Here for ya…. xoxo KLB