• Really odd question

    Posted by Unknown Member on at

    Ok, so this is going to be an odd one. We are still relatively new to the dynamic, but do you have days, especially in the beginning when you’re supposed to be in sub frenzy where part of you just wants a break? I’m so conflicted and I know I sound crazy. Because my question the other day was how to get him more interested sexually. We had a scene of sorts last night and today instead of craving more, I’m just kind of like “meh, I’m good for a while.” Is this normal? Shouldn’t I be craving more now?? I feel so mixed up and confused. It’s like my brain and body are indecisive and don’t know what they really want?

    subMarie-CSM replied 3 years, 12 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Kaninchen



    Well, I would say yes you usually are in a frenzy once you begin. But, I have to ask did you do all the set up to the method? Purge, Formal Acceptance, Downtime to set up your dynamic? Sometimes if these steps are not taken then there maybe a lack of commitment to keep the roles flowing. You both should be very excited about what you’re doing inside and outside the bedroom. Most couples though usually are more in bedroom at first and organically the dynamic goes outside the bedroom. But no 2 dynamics are exactly the same. There is no normal per se.

    You may have to examine your relationship as a whole if you are feeling this way. Examine your true feelings. Try kneeling on your own and the answer is there for us even if we don’t want to really know it, it’s there. If the magic is not happening the way you want it to or visualized it to then you have to sit down talk to your Sir and figure out what you both can do so that you can partake in the magic. You both have to create and want it with each other. So, I would say a downtime is in order or a Formal Acceptance. You both need to sit down and ask one another why the magic isn’t there … nothing should be “bleh”…. Ask each other your expectations or what the dynamic looks like to you. You both have the answers for the other.

    I hope this helps… Dig deep, ask yourself those questions … HUGS, LK

  • subMarie-CSM


    Hey ColDomsub! I hope you are finding answers to your feelings. LK’s advice is spot on. There are so many things that can trigger your overall wellness. These triggers can give you the symptoms of low energy or just a “meh” feeling. Low sex drive can be a sign that your thyroid or hormonal levels are off. If you have not had a full panel of blood work done recently, you may just want to rule that out. Vitamins and supplements help give me the extra energy. When I am not eating well or exercising I also tend to have a low sex drive. Sir Ed can literally have sex every single day. In fact he does. I have to ask him for a day or two off occasionally so I can have an opportunity to miss him in that way. I hate to say it but I seriously can get too much sex. LOL! I hope all of these ideas are helping!!! Most of all, just have fun with your D|s-M!!!

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