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  • On the importance of communication

    Posted by staci on at

    I told my Sir the other day about LK’s latest challenge to find a book that describes how you’d like your D|s-M marriage to be, and then be brave enough to show it to your HusDom. He liked this idea a lot and he stressed how important it is to be clear about your fantasies and expectations in this kind of dynamic.

    He said “In BDSM, if the couple is not communicating well and the sub acts on her desires, the worst that can happen is that she gets called a freak. If the Dom acts on his desires and the couple is not on the same page, he can get called a felon.”

    I had never considered that the consequences were so different for Doms and subs. It may be a little humiliating if your ideas are not well received, but consider the risk he’d have to take in surprising you with something you hadn’t asked for.

    Be brave. 🙂

    staci replied 5 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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