Not what I had planned….
Picking a date for our formal acceptance, I want a special one. I thought of Christmas Eve, day or New Year’s Eve?? I decided on 12/12/18, that’s the one!! On December 12th I spend the day getting ready. I write my Sir a letter, so later he can read everything I want to say. I know in the moment I won’t get it all said. Going about the day gathering items, candles, aromatherapy, pillows, pick out which silk robe to wear, everything is prepared. Now, wait for my Sir to return home. As the day goes on I start to feel sick, oh no!! About an hour before he is due home, I am very sick!! Stomach flu!!! Yuck!! My submissive heart is crying, no no no!! Today is the day, it’s 12/12, the day I picked & planned for. What I had hoped would be “our” perfect Formal Acceptance. Well, it did not happen on the 12th, nausea, vomiting, body aches do not make for a romantic sexy combination. The next evening, I gather all of my submissive courage and try again. As Sir is showering, I prepare making the room & myself ready. Sir enters to find me kneeling in only a robe loosely draped open. I ask him to sit on the bed, then I ask him to be my husDOM. My heart soars, He says yes!!
It was not what I planned, still being nauseous and my entire body aching, we did our FA. Our new anniversary D/s-M is 12/12/18!! (or the 13th, lol) Make it yours however it happens!! hugZ!!💞 to all, Colibri
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