
  • New submissive, new to the community

    Posted by Unknown Member on at

    Hello! I am FreeDom’s mrs. I’m new to subMrs, and new to the lifestyle. I actually joined at the suggestion of my husband after he found husDOM and found it very enlightening. A little background is called for I suppose. My husband and I have been together for 18 years, married for almost 13 years. We have three beautiful daughters ages 9,5,and 3 months. Our marriage has always been what I considered a good one. However, some time ago, I began to feel like we were missing something. I struggled with feeling like while I love him, something about myself and our relationship was incomplete. About six months ago, I began to look into dominance and submission. I didn’t get the courage to talk to him about it however until a few weeks ago. It started small, with some changes in the bedroom. But I realized I craved more than just some fun kinky sex. I realized that I have a purpose, and that purpose is to please my husband, and be his helpmate in every way. So I asked him about his feelings about bringing the dynamic into our every day life. WOW. I have never felt more alive, more free, or more like I am where I am supposed to be. I’m so grateful he tried this with me and found that this is what he wants too. We’re really new at this, only a couple of weeks or so in, and it’s been tricky trying to figure things out with family life and the kids, but we are excited to take this journey together. I am looking forward to connecting with others and hear stories and advice as well!

    Unknown Member replied 3 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • pearl



    Just a quick intro…I’m Pearl, 58, married to BayoWolf on husDom for 37 glorious years. 4 kids, 2 at home (15 &17) and 2 granddaughters. D/s-m since Feb ’17. Live in TX. Not in the middle of nowhere but I can see it from here!
    Currently I am the Fitness Group Leader

    There is a lot of info here. If you look through the groups you will see a wide variety of interest areas. I lead the fitness group and we talk all things health and fitness to help us be the best subMrs we can be.

    There are also all sorts of live video chats every month, just check out the calendar for a list of those.

    And last, but not least, mentors keep a regular schedule to be in the mentor chat room. Just check the “mentor chat schedule” to see when you can catch one of us there.

    Happy to have you with us!

    Keep Moving,


  • subrianne-CGL


    Welcum to subMrs freedommrs. I encourage you to always check the calendar and see what we have going on. You can message anyone of us mentors at anytime. We have really great people in this community so stay engaged and ask questions. It is a beautiful journey. Take it slow and one step at a time.

    My name is Rianne and I am 60. My Sir is Erebus and he is 55. We have been married for 17 years and have 4 children and 4 grandchildren. We live in the midwest. We have been officially D|s-M for 2 years but have practiced this dynamic in some way for most of our lives together.

    Being a submissive is who I am to the core. I LOVE pleasing Erebus in all areas of our life. Welcum aboard.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Thank you both! I’m excited to connect with others who can share their expertise and advice. I’m not sure if I mentioned it in my intro, but I am 36 and my husband is 35, and we live in Northern Alabama 🙂

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