• Letting go through Rituals

    Posted by kleine.CGH on at

    I was sure if this was a light bulb moment or not so I decided to just post here.

    I learned a big lesson this weekend about myself. Like other of you subbies on here I am a control freak. So when it comes to handing that control over I can very anxious. This has cause problems in my marriage to the point my Sir no longer felt comfortable expressing himself. During our last chat some of the ladies gave great examples of rituals to implement into our D/s. I wrote some of the ideas I like down in my journal so that I would remember to ask him if there were any that he liked. We had established rituals for me but not so much him. He loved the idea of picking out my panties every morning. Sweet! Easy enough right…. Not as easy as I would have thought. We were at the mall shopping and he wanted to stop by VS to grab some new panties for me. We get there and he starts picking out ones I would have never picked out for myself and I start coming undone. I shut down and just want to leave. He asks me what wrong but I was too ashamed to verbalize it so I tried to make my mood about something else. Once we got to the car I knew he deserved an explanation, the truth no matter how ashamed of I was. I told him how I felt. I told him how hard it was letting go of something so little was so big for me. I saw my Dom. He raised my chin so that I would look at him and thanked me for my honesty. After that we talked about what letting go meant for me and how important our rituals were to help us grow in ways we didn’t even know yet. He now is determined to find similar exercises to help me let go. Admitting the truth to myself set me free but once I confided in my Sir I could fly. I no longer felt the weight of anxiety crashing down instead it lifted and all was right again.

    daddys-bbg-reule replied 7 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • pearl


    A great lesson for us all. Letting go feels so good but it can be so difficult to do.

  • daddys-bbg-reule


    So happy for you, Sweetie. I’m curious if you’re enjoying the panties that your Sir picked out for you. It can be liberating to try something new.

  • kleine.CGH


    Yes I am! Just knowing they are exactly what he wanted makes feel even sexier. I am Also enjoying them because of the lesson taught through the experience that brought me closer to to my Sir 🙂

  • daddys-bbg-reule


    Awesome, Kleine!!!!!!! 😊

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