Kinky Renfest or Midori Rope Dojo
So, Sir has been trying to decide if we should attend the Kinky Renfest or the Midori Rope Dojo. Kinky Ren Fest falls over his birthday and is an air travel distance away. We can drive to the dojo. Both will end up costing roughly the same amount of money and we will be gone from home (leaving the then 16 year old in charge of the house :-O) about the same amount of time.
What he wanted me to ask is if anyone has attended either of these events and what you thought of the experiences. I have to say my costume for Kinky Renfest should be rather fetching. Suggestions, comments, and opinions desired. Is anyone considering going to either of these events? We would have loved to have gone to the London or the Las Vegas gatherings, but the timing does not work at all because of work and school commitments.
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