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Tagged: D/s M, husDom, Intro, New subMrs, subMrs
Posted by klb on atHello Everyone! Welcome to the New Submissive Group here on SubMRS! I am so happy to have each and every one of you. Please introduce yourselves so we can all become one big happy family.
I am 36 yrs old, I have 2 young kids. My Sir is Crash on HusDOM. We have been married for 13 years. D/s-M over 2 and a half years.
discretesub replied 4 years, 10 months ago 138 Members · 210 Replies - 210 Replies
Hi! I am 32 years old. My Sir is TheCaptain on HusDom. We’ve been married for 7 years (together for 10) and D/s-M for about a month. We have 2 kids, ages 4.5 and 1.5.
Hi ladies 🙂 Meaux (pronounced “Meow” – long story but it’s an old gamer name from way back when.)
I’m 46, have been married for 21 years (he’s on Husdom, but I don’t know his username there.) 2 kids, older teen (high school & college). We’ve often played with D/s themes but this is our first time exploring it as more of a lifestyle situation. Started almost two weeks ago now. -
Hey Ladies! I am Sereia (Sir-ray-uh) and I am a moderator here on the site. I am 26, married to Ferrous on HusDom for 4 years, together 6 total. We do not have children but have 5 adorable sweet furrbabies. We’ve been D/s-M for 7 months now but have dabbled in the lifestyle about 3 years off and on. We are in MO/USA.
While we’ve been D/s-M for 7 months I am still learning on this new journey and I joined the group to hopefully expand my knowledge. I believe that no matter how long you’ve been doing something you can continue to learn and perfect it. This group expresses it is for subbies in the D/s-M dynamic less than a year which I do fit in. Please understand that while I may not be as green as you there is still so much I can learn.
Hello All, I wanted to re-intro myself here. I am far from new sub but you never learn everything. The day you stop is the day you are done in D/s-M.
Hello, I am Little Kaninchen owner of the site/community. We ask that you come here with an open mind and a loyal heart. The energy here is a positive one. We all sub-port one another.
I am married to Mr. Fox the owner of . husDOM is a community for Dominants only. I ask you to register your Sir there at your earliest convenience.
My day job is Intimacy Life-Coaching and Mentor. I am 46 Yrs young, monogamous, 2 kiddos, Live in N. E. USA . Been D/s-Married Lifestyle since 2012 . Any questions please do not hesitate to Private Message me here on site.
Hugs, LK
I just wanted to say thank you for creating this site. I have been searching for a safe place to learn and talk to other submissives. I was surprized and happy to see the husDOM site as well. I have been with my sir for 18 years and we have staarted to explore the D/s lifestyle over the past year. I know i have alot to learn and i am glad i found a place that my sir and i can learn and grow.
Hi Lady & welcum to subMrs! I am soo happy that we can be a part of your D|s-M journey! Please do not hesitate to let me know if you need anything.
HUGS! lk
Unknown Member
Deleted UseratHi,
I’m married to Sir1967 on HusDom. I’m 49 and we have been married for 4 years D/s for 3. I’m so very happy to have found this space to support and be supported. I look forward to many chats and getting to know y’all. -
Hi everyone,
I’m ashleyk. Just joined by order of my Sir 🙂 We have been married 6 years; together 12. We are very happily married and have 3 incredible kids all in college. We have been exploring this lifestyle for about a year now but more in fun and games. Just recently, we are taking it more seriously and further. And loving it. I’m excited to be a part of this community!
ak -
Hello, I’m Tiffany, I’m 36 years old, I have 3 amazing wonderful talented daughters 17,14,& 11. I’m just recently separated after 15 years of marriage. I have been talking to someone who is extremely dominant and has been for years. He also is going thru a divorce. I had no clue that this lifestyle/world exists until 50 shades of grey came out. I have done alot of reading on the subject. This site has helped alot with understanding it more.
I’m his girl. I am 39 and have been married for 10 years and together for 18. We have 2 wonderful young children. We have dabbeled here and there in this our entire relationship, but i hope this time to make it stick. I have always needed to be submissive to him, he understands and is not against it, but has trouble holding up his side. He is dominant with me and I am submissive to him, I just want it to be more. I am excited to learn new things and see how I can improve this dynamic in our relationship. I also want to understand myself better and explore my submission further.
Hello, everyone! I’m LSW4Him (Little Slut Wife), and I’m 31 with a beautiful 2-year old daughter. My Dom and I are engaged and have been together for three months. From the very beginning of our relationship, we have had a very natural D/s dynamic, although we are only recently realizing how significant it actually is in our relationship. I am also a bit of a masochist, and he may be a bit of a sadist. He feels the need to take care of and protect me, and I feel the need to be completely honest and vulnerable with him.
We are both rather open-minded and hedonistic, and have been considering bringing others into our intimate space. It’s long been a fantasy of mine to be with two or more men at once, and my Dom supported me and became really turned on by the idea of me being able to enjoy the raw pleasure of being with other men, but after much discussion and soul-searching, we’ve come to the decision that the “slut wife” dynamic is just too risky in so many ways, with no real promise of reward or satisfaction for either of us.
I have never read or seen FSOG, but am adding it to our list of “must watch together” movies! I have always been turned on by the thought of being used or completely owned sexually, and my Dom is intrigued by my fantasies of D/s, and makes no bones about wanting to own me completely.
I am so happy to have found this community and (hopefully) a more safe, sustainable dynamic for our sexual endeavours and maybe more. We are starting basically from scratch, and I’m not sure how we will incorporate the D/s dynamic beyond what comes so naturally to us. All advice is appreciated, and I will continue to do my homework in preparation for our Formal Acceptance! I look forward to getting to know you all and soaking up all of the knowledge I can.
Hi, I am Tessa. Honestly, I am just exploring. Married nearly 30 years, 6 kids, happy, an educator. Very new to D/s but I feel I need it. We need it. I hope you all can help me learn. Thanks!
Hello, I’m SDLFT and called Toy. I am 51 years old and married to Sir Geopetto for 19 years. We have three adult children with one still at home in FL. We began our D/s-M journey earlier this year as a joint initiative and did our formal acceptance on our anniversary on Sept 7. We find so much subport, encouragement, friendship and training on subMrs and husDom. Thank you!
I would like to introduce myself. I am 31 years old and from FL, USA. My husband and I have been together for 10 years and married for almost 9 years, we do not have children. He is 33 years old and is the only person on this earth that I trust unequivocally. We have been interested in the BDSM and dom/sub lifestyle for most of our relationship but have had obstacles in our way preventing us from implementing. I have asked if he wouldn’t mind checking out husdom site and possibly joining as a way to help us on our journey and he has agreed. We have played in the past but events in my previous relationships have made it rather difficult (ok….impossible) for us to fully enjoy the bondage that we both want so badly. At the age of 19 I was in my first “grown-up” relationship. It was a very unhealthy relationship to say the least. I don’t want to go into too many details here but will later on. For now we are starting off slowly, trying to anyway. We are not entirely sure what all we want in terms play, but we are learning. So far we are enjoying the power play and I love him taking control away from me. I have always craved sexual pain but that is an area he isn’t very comfortable with. We are working on figuring out our limits and desires. I am sure this community will be able to help us in our journey. I am so happy to be here
Hello everyone! I’m 30 years old, been with Sir for 10 years, married for 7, and we started exploring D/s around 4 years ago. We have not taken the leap into 24/7 and had to pump the brakes earlier this year due to me getting very badly injured. We are now trying to get back into things, learning my new physical limitations. I look forward to meeting some of you and learning lots!
Hi! I am 48 yo in a relationship with a new life partner after the death of my husband. We are new to D/s and both are very excited about exploring the lifestyle. We both have our reasons for pursuing D/s, mostly knowing that dom for him and sub for me have been buried inside for as long as we can remember. Looking forward to what we can learn.
Hello everyone. I am not married but involved in a D/s relationship. I am personally rather new to this self discovery and am enjoying the journey of self discovery and what D/s relationship can bring to my relationship.
I am mom of 3, baby is graduating from HS. Wow-
I have already found this site not just informational but a home and a family.
sir has shared with me that this is a discovery that each individual needs to realize on their own and I am grateful that he was so patient in allowing me to find this out for myself. He saw in me what I needed to see and he patiently watched from the sidelines.I am excited to be here and would love to offer any feedback from my own experiences as I am grateful for the information I have received from others stories. we are all growing together.
Idompj is my Sir. -
Hi there,
I am 26 with 2 beautiful children under 3
I have been with my husband for almost 10yrs married for almost 5yrs.
Until a few months ago our sex life was lackluster and not very satisfying. It changed because my husband has started being more dominant in the bedroom. While he has been away for work recently he did some research and discovered Husdom and he suggested that I check out this side of things. My husband describes our sex as Vanilla with a twist so we are really new to this scene. I am really excited at this journey we are embarking on. I never knew being so submissive would be so liberating. -
Hi! I’m Kelly (subMrsPhoenix) or HisPhoenix. I am 38 married to TheDragon (not yet on husDom but am encouraging him to join). He is 42. We have been married 9 years (this week) together 12 years in December. we have an 8 year old son. Our marriage has been good for the most part – ups and downs like most I assume. Then 6 months ago we experienced a 180 degree turn in our lifestyle — he retired from the military and I went back to work full time. He is now the Stay-At-Home-Parent and I am the income earner. This role reversal has put a strain on our relationship – mentally, emotionally, and sexually. I have been reading and researching ways to improve our marriage and kept finding the blogs and articles that resinated the most with me were D/s related. I realized that when we were the “best us” my husband was D and I was s …. not just in the bedroom. I also looked back on past relationships and found that I was happies in those with a strong D partner. I wasn’t sure how D/s relationship could work in a marriage until I found this community. I am looking forward to learning from you all – especially on how to communicate my desire to be more submissive for my husband and to foster and develop his D.
Hi everyone. I’m MasterKern’s SweetPea. I’m 36 years old and I have been with Master Kern for nearly 20 years. We have been married for 12 of those years and just started our journey with D/S-M. We have two sons, age 11 and 6. About five months ago, my husband had to move out of state for work. To our surprise, even though we are further apart, we have grown so much closer together. I’m able to go visit him once a week for about a month and those weeks so far have been amazing! I know we both still have lots to learn, and we are enjoying learning it 😉
Hello! I am Chocolate and I belong to Mr. Midnight. I am 30 years old and have been in the D/s or M/s dynamic for less than a year. I am still learning. It has been a wonderful journey so far and I am looking forward to what the future holds.
Hi everyone, I belong to DMike on HusDom. I’m 36 years old, married to DMike for 6 years (together for 9), no kids. We’ve dabbled in D/s for about 2 years now, mostly in the bedroom, but both want to take things to a new level of intimacy and respect. I’m hoping to learn from the more experienced subbies on this site.
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