• Posted by little-tisoro on at

    My husband and I are new to the submrs./Husdom communities and have decided to commit to the D/s-m lifestyle 24/7. We’ve only been married for a little over a year, but we’ve been together almost 9 years. It’s been about a week since I asked him to be my dom, and while things have definitely changed in the bedroom, it doesn’t really feel like much has changed in our day to day dynamic yet. My Lord and I don’t get to spend much time together, because at the moment we are both working two full-time jobs, and so far my lord says he only wants one rule for me, and it’s something I’ve done for him on a regular basis anyways. We’re discussing a downtime routine on Friday. Any suggestions moving forward on how I can keep myself in the sub mindset on a day to day basis without rules?

    pearl replied 5 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • lilfoxyb


    Hello Little Tisoro
    welcome to the site it is a great place to meet others and chat. THe best advise i can give you is to be patient. You both just started and it will take time to find your footing together. For me i kneel every night and that has really helped me with my submission especially when he is out of town and we are apart. It helps me center myself and feel our connection. When you guys do start your down times that will be a great time to talk about what you both need/want. Communication is the key to growing this beautiful relationship between the two of you. I know you will do great. I hope this helps. Look me up on the chats we could chat anytime you need to talk something through.

    I.am His

  • pearl


    Welcum to the site! Your Husdom is being extremely wise is going slow. Starting with one rule and the slowing adding more is the best way to start. Most of us have gone through a “sub-frenzy” and we want it all and we want it now. That does not make for a good long term outcome. Remember this is a journey, hopefully a very long journey. Read these blogs Foundations if you haven’t already. Look at the top of the page and use the pull down menu “Where to Begin” and read. LK had so much invaluable information there on how to start.

    Hugs Y’all

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