• How to talk to family/friends about this lifestyle

    Posted by rrsub on at

    I will eventually need to talk to my sister about this lifestyle. She knows we’ve embraced it to a certain degree in the bedroom, but as we move it into an actual lifestyle I will need to talk to her about it. Why? Because I want to. We are that close. I share everything with her. This will be no different. Just looking mostly for some gentle resources in order to expel myths. I know I’m really the best one to do the explaining, and dispelling, but still interested to hear what others have to say.
    Thanks In advance.

    Unknown Member replied 7 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Veruca


    Actions speak louder than words…that is a motto I live by.
    I have found that showing others what we do (out of the bedroom, of course! lol) instead of trying to explain it, has worked best for us. We behave like we always would, then if I am asked, I give appropriate answers. Us SHOWING people around us exactly what it is and how we interact with each other, has been far more beneficial when it comes to getting those around us to understand our dynamic.
    You know your sister better than anyone and I am sure you will find the correct way to share this with her when you are ready.


  • rrsub


    This makes a ton of sense Veruca, thank you. I’m not in a hurry to share, but we are so close that it’s something that I will begin to think about already.

  • purrl-orddom


    Veruca , that’s fantastic advice! Thank you. We have already continued to do TTWD around friends and family. I have also spoken a little more openly about it to my step mother and best friend but have not directly come out and said it. It’s killing me I can’t talk about this openly with my best friend . Will continue to follow this one in case additional ideas to be added

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Hi there ?

    Honestly I don’t talk to anyone about the lifestyle I have more than I talked about my vanilla lifestyle. If things come up I do explain some but that is usually more explaining that we have more of a traditional way of having a relationship one where men are still men and women can be women. I never ever go into the sexual aspects of my relationship simply because that has never been me and frankly I believe it’s none of anyone’s business but ours. I don’t lay out any cards on any tables and just take it one conversation at that topic at a time.

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