
  • How do I deal with feelings of inadequacy?

    Posted by babygirl88 on at

    My Daddy and I introduced the D/s aspect into our relationship about a year ago. We used to get into terrible arguments, and were often on the brink of calling it quits but once we really found a rhythm for our roles and I learned to better embrace my role as a submissive everything got so much better. I got pregnant soon after, with our first child and while that has been a whirlwind of new experiences and feelings, we have maintained our 24/7 lifestyle the best that we can. I work 25-30 hours a week and he works closer to 50 hour weeks, so needless to say we’re both busy and often times we have more relaxed days than other. Daddy has been very accommodating with his expectations for my daily chores, and influx of hormones. Well, here I am 8.5 months along and I cant help but struggle with feelings of inadequacy. I feel like Ive been coasting by this whole time Ive been pregnant, being worn down by working and being pregnant. I feel like my body has grown so much that Im disappointing Daddy’s craving for a fit, and sexy woman, even though he constantly tells me I’m beautiful, and that he’s still attracted to me. My chores are never completely done, and we have eaten out or cycled through the same basic dinners at home for too long now. I’m nervous that after I give birth I’m going to be so busy with our sweet boy that my hopes for improving in my role as a sub are unrealistic. That worries me because I know my Daddy is a true Dom and he needs an amazing sub to be fulfilled. Daddy tells me not to worry about it and reassures me that Im the sub he’s been looking for, but I cant help but be anxious when remembering how much we both suffered before coming into our roles. Does anyone have any suggestions/ tips for maintaining a role as a sub after becoming a mother for the first time?

    Unknown Member replied 7 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Unknown Member


    Hi Babygirl88,
    Congratulations and hugs. Listen and hear what your Daddy is telling you. You’re not a disappointment and tell him you’re having a difficult time shutting up the horrible doubt voices of feeling inadequate. Be gentle towards your own self. Soon enough you will be honing your new superpowers of Mommy. Perhaps think of a simple ritual or saying to help you remind what your dynamic is there for.

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