• Posted by Unknown Member on at

    Oh ladies….my heart is broken.

    Daddy works away. This last job has left him only coming home for one or two nights every 2 weeks. It’s been so difficult. His next job was to take him much closer to home where I’d, most likely, see him each weekend.

    We are just beginning our D/s relationship. We’ve been married 22 years and much our marriage he worked in the oil industry so he was gone half the month. This new industry has him home much, much less.

    Last night he called to let me know the new job, closer to home, has fallen through. So the company is looking at where they will place him in January when the current job is finished.

    How on earth do we make this work if we only see each other for a long weekend once a month? How do I keep my mindset alone? Our kids are both away in college.

    I’ve had so many dreams about what this new part of our lives would be like with him closer to home. The rules and rituals we’ve already worked out are already special to me. My mind is already in the mindset. Much of what I do each day has Daddy in mind. I want to please him.

    I’m just not sure how a once a month visit will work….I’ve cried so much already. I feel it slipping away….

    650s replied 5 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Oh my dear we are all here for you.  And I know the subs here will all have plenty of suggestions to help you because there are many who have to deal with long distance. 

    I just want to say that during our journey in D/s (we are old timers)there have been so many physical changes that caused upheavals.  Major massive health issues, work issues, long distance etc etc.  One thing I have learned along the way is that submission is in our hearts and minds.  No matter what happened to us along the way we always have our D/s dynamic. Try not to project into the future too far because your projection is only one possible outcome for tomorrow.  Rather have faith that everything will work out for you both and enjoy the HERE and NOW. That mindset may help get you through these days of uncertainty.



  • 650s


    I’m so sorry! I know how hard it is! My Sir ᏩᏯ is away for work during the week until it’s too cold to work, then he’s closer to home. But those weeks while he’s away are so difficult! Some of the things I’ve done are helpful. I have a set of kissing bears that Sir ᏩᏯ gave me when we were still dating pushing 20 years ago, he takes one and sleeps with it under his neck and I take the other and snuggle it, along with a shirt he’s worn. When the bear I have no longer smells like him, we trade. He also made me a few voice memos for kneeling times, so far I have one for morning, bedtime and one for anytime. He’s thinking about what to say for one that I’ll use when I’m not doing well. I kneel is “my spot” that I kneel in when he’s home and sit at his feet before bed. I also use evernote to journal my feelings and have shared notebooks with him. We also use “Our Home” an app for keeping track of my tasks, he can log in from his laptop (since he still has a flip phone) and add tasks, or rewards. We haven’t figured out a way for me to get the theraputic spankings while he’s gone and playtime is sparce because he often shares a room with one of his guys. I’m always here if you need to talk, vent, whine… I get it! HUGS!!!

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