grateful for a new year
Hi Subbies,
so I have been a little out of it this month. My sir had open heart surgery urgently and we’ve had a lot of vanilla crash around us. But he is getting better and I am more grateful for Ds/M even more. We have a connection that is amazing and when he was really sick I was able to keep calm and keep him calm. Now he is getting better so I am thinking of creative ways to play as he is chasing me around the house LOL
Through all this Sir has decided to commit even more and get on Husdom, and look for some outside Dom training. I found that Subs are strong and capable even while under pressure and still respect the dynamic of this TTWD.
So anyone have any ideas about play with low exertion I am all ears. no actual sex for 3 more weeks but that’s not really stopping my sir.
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