• Giddy with excitement!

    Posted by txrose on at

    Hi! I am so very excited to be a part of this exclusive community!

    My husDom, MasterForeman, (46) and I (33) have been married 5 years and together 7. This is both of our second marriages. Elements of BDSM always been apart of our relationship but not in any formal way until about four months ago.

    </div><div>Throughout our relationship we have dealt with numerous stressors – blended high conflict family, out of state moves, loss of family members, job transitions to name a few. Sex has been consistently great until about 6 months ago when it just started feeling bland/blah. The stress and conflict of life was finally getting to us. It was around this time that I started evaluating my life and our marriage. I realized that due to the conflict/trauma/stress our marriage had turned into a dysfunctional partnership in which I was trying to control everything in order to make sure everything was ok. In that process, I was hurting my husband, hurting my family and making the stress so much worse. So I finally broke down in August while on a date night, and had probably one too many Margaritas, and confessed to my husband that I trusted him and no longer wanted to control him or our relationship. It was in this conversation that I brought up my desire to formally be in a D/s relationship. Much to my surprise my husband confessed that he had been wanting to talk to me about changing our relationship and engaging fully in the D/s – BDSM side of our relationship.

    The change in our marriage has been amazing!!! We have found a path and spark that has brought not only a sexy spark back, it’s allowed us to work on our foundation of our marriage by redefining our natural roles, establishing respect and unwavering trust. It has been an incredibly natural and freeing transition. Our biggest obstacles have been in finding time to play with a 4yr old and 18 yr old in the house as well as working around MasterForeman’s travel schedule.<div>
    </div><div> I am so excited to see what I can learn and how I can grow in my submission! I’m incredibly grateful for this space and those of you blazing the trail for the rest of us!

    Trinity-CGL replied 3 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • subrianne-CGL


    Welcum. I am glad you two have found your way to our community. It is the best out there for sure. Be sure to check the calendar and community activity for all the fun. Our zoom chats are great so don’t be shy. You don’t have to be on camera or anything. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions. Read the articles on site and take it nice and slow.

  • SB-CA


    Welcum, txrose88!

    I’m SB, 51, and married to MisterF on husDOM. It’s great to see you here. You have definitely found the right community to learn and grow as a submissive!

    LK has amazing articles and blog posts discussing foundations and the steps to take to build a strong, successful, sustainable D|s-M relationship.

    Delve in and ask questions! The best way to learn. All of the mentors here are subportive and willing to help you be successful.

    Hope to talk to you more in the future!

  • Kaninchen


    Welcum to subMrs!

    I hope you are enjoying the communities thus far!

    We have a start up method to D|s-M that gets reviewed monthly on a live Zoom chat!

    Watch the calendar for all the great events on subMrs!

    If I can be of any help, let me know! lk@subMrs.com



  • Trinity-CGL


    Welcum, @txrose88 ! Great community with a LOT of resources here!

    I’m Trinity, 52, married to my Neo for 27 years (with him for 29), and though we’ve always had a bit of a kink to our marriage, added in D/s-M this year… and love it! I agree, the sex is incredible since we’ve entered this dynamic!

    I’m partial to bondage – in complete surrender – and am the group leader for the Bondage Bunnies (come on over!). Look forward to interacting with you here!

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