• Posted by Unknown Member on at

    Well me and My Lord had our first downtime! It was more casual than I expected however I was told that all downtimes going forward will include me in my lingerie at his feet with my head on his lap. Most of the things I had wanted to talk about were already answered just by his actions of the last week and a half or so but we spoke about them anyways. We filled out a 200 questionnaire for limits and learned a lot about things we would love to try, these are now in a lock box for his eyes only and will help set scenes when we get to that point. We read blogs about rules and rituals and talked about what his expectations are, which he is not really fully sure of yet–and that is ok! He admitted that he was tired of me being the “boss” and he feels more like a man since jumping in with me full force. He asked me about collaring since he is limited on what he can see on HusDom right now (hopefully he can become a premium member soon!) So I looked up posts and gave him some examples of the ceremonies that others have done. We looked at bracelets online since he wants my day “collar” to be a locking bracelet. I had to go to hobby lobby and we looked at the jewelry making stuff and think it might be fun to make our own (he wants a bracelet too) but I don’t want to have to take it off to shower so we may just purchase (well, he will when he feels its the right time.) We talked about how nervous I am for the mirror scene and he said we will do it when I am ready…I am siking myself up for it so hopefully before tuesdays downtime. This is my goal. He has 5 things he loves about my body ready to go and I know he can not wait to show me how beautiful he knows I am.

    After our downtime My Lord and I had wonderful playtime right on the couch, I was soaked and the couch was soaked! Wow!! He did something he had never done before- he took his slippery, squirt juice, cum soaked hand….lifted it up and looked at it and said….see what you do for me…how would you like to feel it? and without a response from me rubbed it all over me—-subbies, let me tell you…..his eyes darkened and pupils got huge and a huge grin came over his face…I melted right there, I lost my breath as he continued to rub me and then pushed me down onto the couch and stuck his soaking wet thumb into my mouth….WHAT? OH! I taste good on him….here is something I never expected and something that make him go directly to the dark side. Now I always suck on his fingers, I love it…guess I love to have things in my mouth lol! He has always been careful not to put the hand he fingers me with into my mouth (we never talked about it he just didn’t do it)…well since Tuesday this is a regular occurance!

    After he wore me out and I came out of my permanent smiling coherent state off the couch to clean up I told him about his eyes…he told me that he could instantly feel the change in his face and mind and he loved it. Once we can get more settled in our roles and have more time I think this look and feel will be permanent for him…yay!!!!

    We decided that I need to be naked or in lingerie anytime we are together and the kids are not home. I am to make sure the house is cleaned before he gets home-with passes when I have a huge order to do (not often but I do have one right now…I am planning my time though and am determined not to let my duties fall because of it)! While we were running errands yesterday he started opening and closing doors for me (I was shocked, I have never had anyone, including him do that-it was a test in patience for sure 🙂 ) He didn’t say anything he just pulled my hand back and gave me a look hehehe! So that is a thing now too (yay!).

    Sorry if this is super long and jumbled but its been a fantastic week and I am so excited! We agreed to take it slow and we are but he has been bitten by the bug and is anxious to read read read! My Lord, My HusDom, My Non-Reader is excited to read!

    I am in a state of constant joy (and wetness lol) Thank you all for the conversations and chats and replies to forums, you all really really help a girl out. I also am thinking about joining the book club although I don’t have much time to read….I wonder if they have them in an audio book?

    Unknown Member replied 5 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • 650s


    I’m so excited for you! That sounds absolutley wonderful!!

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Thank you Kanna, it was. It’s a world of difference when you push to communicate properly. We are in TTWD for life now!

  • katzchen-mhac-tire


    This just made my day! I’m so very happy for you and your Sir, MyLittle. Your joy and excitement are absolutely infectious and I’m sending you all the beat energy for your continued growth!

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Thank you so much Katz!

  • Really lovely ML! Thanks for sharing this. What a beautiful experience! So happy for you both.

    warm hugs

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Wow Mylittle! What an amazing Andy  very successful first downtime. So happy for you and thank you for sharing.🌹

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