• Beginning Punishment

    Posted by honey-bee-bee-keeper on at

    Hi All,

    Sir and I have been dabbling in BDSM for a long time. It was back in Sept. that we decided to begin this journey 24/7 and make a commitment to the lifestlye. A huge part of this was me finally submitting to the fact that I love being submissive. We are both beyond happy. In fact, this weekend he presented me with my first collar..a day collar. The moment was incredible.

    Sir asked me to reach out and see if anyone had advice for how to move toward punishment (he is looking for info on husdom as well) and what type of punishments there are…I can’t seem to think past spanking since I love to be spanked. Did your sirs start with one or two “rules” and work up from there?? We read a post somewhere on here (we are overwhelmed with all the amazing information and can’t find it again) that said to move forward in this arena slowly.

    Any advice you have will be greatly approeciated.


    klb replied 8 years ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
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    Ginalock ,
    Welcome ! Im Curvey a Proud TEXAS submissive to Sir Tex/HusDom 😉

    a share from Curvey and some of this information is from LK posts

    Punishments vs FUN -ishments

    slow and steady …yes stating with just a few worked for us. That way you can
    Sub-Stain it
    Spankings are not a punishment for us because, we use them in BDSM … they are uses to re set , focus me on task ….bring me back into my submission

    Some of my punishments :
    GROUNDED : from submrs, my favorite tv shows,my computer time, my cell/text time
    The worst is 5 minute time out …..

    Ill also share …getting Rituals in place is what really ….got us moving in our D/sM

    Hope to see you in the Warren soon ,

  • Thanks Curvey…..great advice…did not think of separating out the spankings since we use them a lot in scenes.

  • staci


    Hi Ginalock!

    I don’t have much advice since I am pretty new as well, but I wanted to say congratulations on your collar. I got mine on Friday as well!

    Have a lovely day!

  • klb



    First off welcome! So glad to hear you both are on your way and it is going wonderfully! Yes, punishment (as in all aspects of this lifestyle) is to be done slowly. Physical punishment should be done even slower…once He knows His Braun and you are fully comfortable and able to understand what it is you did wrong.

    Personally, we have never incorporated physical punishment into our lifestyle after almost 3 years. My Sir prefers focusing on more rewards than punishments, but when punishments have had to be used they are more creative than physical. For example: I loose my screen time (my phone, tablet and tv time are taken away), Or uncomfortable underwear are to be worn for that day 9so I remember what I did all day0, or I loose the privilege of having a glass of wine at the end of the day. Adapt the punishments to fit into your dynamic. Think of things that make you upset or uncomfortable and that is where to start. But make sure, as with any punishment, that the reason for the punishment is always communicated openly and honestly beforehand and talked about afterward to have a clean slate. Hope this helps!


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