• Traditional Housewife goals?

    Posted by kaylais on at

    Sir has expressed that he really enjoys having his own stay at home “June Cleaver”…and he loves the clothing that women wore in that era. I’ve begun adding in more skirts and blouses to my wardrobe and knee length dresses. I’d love to get some ideas about vintage housewife activities that I could incorporate into my daily routine. Especially ones that focus on taking care of him. Any ideas?

    sugarnspice replied 6 years ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • babyboop-masterg


    Hi, Kaylais,

    You could make sure the remote control, newspaper (tablet for this generation-ha!) is always near his favorite chair waiting for him when he is ready to relax for the evening.
    You could fold down the bed for him in the evenings, along with lay out his pajamas for him to change into (or change his clothes for him) if permitted.

    You may already do these kinds of things for him, but these are just a couple of ideas.


  • lilla-f-mr-a


    One thing I have started doing is preparing the coffeemachine in the evening if Sir will get up before me the day after or preparing it in the morning if I get up before him so that Sir can just start the machine when he gets up and have his morning coffee. A small thing to serve him that he likes.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User


    I enjoy doing traditional housewife duties too! I have been watching youtube videos on how to create fifties hairstyles, and have purchased a couple of 50’s style dresses. I am working toward organizing the house more efficiently so that Sir has a great experience when he gets home from work. I’m considering having a set dinner time, and setting a pretty table. I really like Lilla F.’s idea about preparing a cozy seat for Sir as well.

    Thank you for writing this post,

  • sugarnspice


    I LOVE this post and the era!! Hence my pinup obsession 💕 I would love to wear dresses like that and learn how to victory rolls… I’ve tried but I’m just not as talented in the hair department. My Ds relationship is more along the lines of a 50s housewife, with bedroom kink, so I try to be sure to keep the house up and the make our home a peaceful haven when he comes home. Being raised in an independent women’s society makes absolute submission difficult for me, but I do strive towards it.

    As for things I do to fit this role: I have a quick cleanup hour before my Sir gets home (pick up toys, declutter surfaces, and primp myself if possible). I want to awake early and make him breakfast before work. I strive to cook delicious homemade meals 5x/week and am typically cooking and have it ready for him by the time he gets home from work… cooking is also a passion of mine so I enjoy the challenge of new recipes and finding the ones he really loves. Interior housekeeping is up to me, I try to have fresh laundry done so he doesn’t run out. I love to garden so I am learning to can (preserve) our harvest, and I’m trying to be as thrifty as I can, which is important to him. I try to speak life into his life, letting him know I appreciate and admire him, and I actively encourage his role as provider and protector of our family. Most importantly, I try to read his moods and anticipate his needs. If he had a tough day, I give him some time and try to lift it by making his favorite meal, getting him a special treat, offering a massage (or other things 😏), but mostly I try not to nag or get offended.

    I can do better in many of these areas, but I’ve made big strides just by shooting for a few of my actions to show my appreciation. I found that the book “Fascinating Womanhood” by Helen Andelin, was a great influence that helped me get into the right mindset. I also think it taught me how to have a great marriage! Many women may look down it nowadays, but I think the understanding is a great tool that empowers wives to help their husbands and in return they receive the love and cherishing they crave. Win-win!

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