Jumping in and leaving HIM behind
I am hoping this wont be to long or more info than needed. First I’d like to say I am not one to do anything but stalk this site lol I feel anxious and nervous posting….fear of getting what you wish for I guess.
When I first met my husband 17 years ago we were out on a date and I was being bratty…he gave me this sharp look…I instantly shuttered, I was 17 and two years out of a relationship where my guy was a complete D*ick and hit me once. That was still fresh in my mind and my now husband instantly lost his dominance. From that point forward I was the main pants wearing person in the family…after 2 kids I was a bitchy mess, a super naggy wife to the point where he was falling for a co-worker….fast forward 10 years later and we have worked though the rough times and trust each other completely.
I started dabbling my mind in bdsm before FSOG but like many other women the books just made the desire much stronger. We made a joke one night and he spanked my ass…surprisingly I loved it…even more surprisingly so did he.
Speeding forward again to a small talk where I was reading all the blogs on this website I could…I had him sign up for husDOM also. We talked about how we would like to try this dynamic and being tired of being the one who did everything, made every decision and needed to be able to let go I was ALLLLL in.
I am an avid reader anyway so I jumped into online books and blogs, I started a private facebook page for me to post articles and meme’s and just hints of what taking on the submissive role would mean to me.
I get lost, my heart hurts like submissive drop, even when we are not actively engaging. My desire to serve him and sink into him (the only way I can really describe it) is sooo strong. He tries to take on the role of dominate but since that night of the scary look I have been the one disciplining the kids and making all the rules and consequences in the house so its hard for him to make rules or follow up on anything. He can’t do it with the kids and not with me…the moment I get bratty he backs off. I know I ruined him in this manner…but I didn’t mean too. He is a loving husband and will literately do anything for me. He makes me feel beautiful all the time regardless of anything. And when he knows I’m upset he does anything to make me feel better. He is my DaddyDom…he fits that soft side of the role perfectly.
I try to make his plate and he refuses saying he will do it….all because he does not want me to think that I have to…but I don’t think he understands that I WANT to…I DESIRE to.
Anther issue is that he is not a reader, he will research cars and video game info all day lol but I am not sure he has actually ever read a bdsm blog…or the dominate book I downloaded on kindle…or looked at the HusDom site.
I am the type of person that will top from the bottom and I do not want to do that…its hard for me to let his man side come out and its hard for him to bring it out.
Now I have mentioned that we have three kids….this is another issue….he says that he cant wait to be able to go all out…when the kids move out (insert eye roll here)…they are 15, 14 and 3….I get it…its hard to have the time to make this work, sex wise or otherwise…but sometimes I feel like he won’t even try.
My real take on all this jumble mess I wrote for you today…..I AM THE ISSUE. I want that unremarkable, unmistakable, crawl to and into you, overbearing, worshiping feeling….and I want it NOW!!!!! I am at a loss on how to calm myself down without getting disappointed that maybe he doesn’t want to take an active role in doing his own research and coming up with his Dom personality on his own.
I apologize for this being soooo long….Thanks for any and all input.
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