Lets think up some fun ways to show our submissivness to our Doms this week of thankfulness! Lets show our Doms how thankful we are for their effort in trying, or starting this journey with us! Regardless of how long you have been in this dynamic, there are always ways to show thankfulness! Here are a few ideas to help get the ball rolling….. each day this week, send a text/email/phone call/ or a morning communication of something your Dom does that makes you appreciate your relationship. When your Dom asks you a question, lower your eyes and say “yes Sir” to show respect. Stand to your Doms right hand side and sit on the right hand side at the thanksgiving dinner table. Make a game when in the kitchen, by grabbing objects and whispering how it could be used in the bedroom!
These are just a few ideas to start the week off right. What thoughts do you all have?!
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