Hi Pet! Absolutely take things slow!!! so important and so easy to forget….Make sure rules are simple to follow and easy to remember for the beginning. the rules are there to help establish a “boundary” around the relationship.
When doing things He asks, do it with a grateful heart and it will show. To feed His Dom think of things that make him feel appreciated. Even the smallest things can feed His Dom. I make it a point each day to thank my Sir for working hard for our family. I thank Him when He takes the trash out. I thank Him when He does anything for me. Basically I try to always look for ways to show I am appreciative of what He brings to the table. Because even if it may be something small….it is all the small things He does and that you do as well that work together to create the relationship. So be thankful.
Other ways to feed His Dom are to ask His opinion. Whenever you are questioning yourself ask Him for advice. Look to Him to lead and help you solve things in your life. Also look for ways to show your appreciation, such as, making sure He has water by His bedside before going to bed. Or asking what you can make Him for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Ask if He would like anything. Look for ways that help to ease His mind and then try to be His safe place to fall and unwind. Be His comfort.
I hope this helps!!!