Lost and Found
This summer has been a very long and stressful one. Life and responsibilities have overtaken us and we got pushed back and forgotten about, D/s became nearly none existent. We were lucky to get a night together every few weeks and then with a full campground and all the children around. He was working extra hours and lots of overtime, so I became more independent and stopped talking with him. I knew he didn’t have a choice but I was still upset and refused to be submissive but instead combative. I did this to the point of making myself so ill I had to spend a few days in the hospital, I knew I was sick but because he said to go see a Dr I refused. That all landed on the one night we had planned to have a date night, first time in over a year the children were going to stay elsewhere, we had tickets to a concert. He had used his last vacation day so we could have a long weekend together and because of my stubbornness it was spent in the hospital. He has forgiven me, I know that because he had me shave him yesterday. That is the only one thing that happened over the summer that is good, he asked me to learn the art of the straight razor. However it has also lead to a long discussion about what we have and want. We both want D/s and like it when it is good. We both dislike the way things fall apart without the rules and rituals in place. So we are not exactly starting over but again, only this time with a new commitment from both of us. We will start again like it was in the beginning and go slowly with him leading the way, instead of me yanking him along. This time will be better because instead of an attitude of well lets try and see it is a yes I want this, from Sir.
The number one thing we knew and discussed again was as soon as the communication stopped we grew apart. That is my priority this month, work on honest communication.
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