• How We are Starting

    Posted by lizim on at

    When I finally confessed my desire for my husband (he hasn’t yet settled on a title for himself. Says he wants to try a few on and see what “fits”, if any at all) to dominate me he said he was all in. I don’t think he knew how deep IN he was getting, lol!

    Given the distance between us physically we weren’t sure where to start, how to proceed. We talked all night on the phone and came up with a few ideas.

    I am, unfortunately, quite overweight. He says this doesn’t hamper his desire for me, but it hampers my desire to BE desired. I yo yo diet. I crash diet. I half ass workouts. As a result I lose between 10-20 pounds and then put it back on. Forget how I look, it’s just plain unhealthy! I love him so much and I want to be around for years to come to enjoy our life together.

    I am a terrible housekeeper. I am lazy by nature and absolutely hate cleaning. When he is home in the past I have dome the bare minimum to “keep him off me back” but when he is gone I do even less.

    He will start asserting his dominance by insising that I work out daily (with the exception of scheduled rest days) and follow my nutrition plan without fail. (I have a plan in place with eating and working out, just a matter of executing.) I am to thouroughly clean one room a day. He will call (or text or email if unable to call) the night before to give me my assigned room for the following day and to discuss my success or failure from that day. If I succeed I am to masturbate however I choose with the old video baby monitor pointed at me so he can watch from his phone. If I fail I am not allowed to pleasure myself that day.

    Today was our first day, and I have to say that the thought of scrubbing my kitchen cabinets has never made me wet before!

    Unknown Member replied 7 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Congratulations! Sounds like you two are off to a good start.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Sounds like a great way to inspire cleaning!!! Nice incentives!!! Lol. I agree it sounds like y’all are off to a great start! Welcome!

  • lizim


    Today is day 4 and my house has never been cleaner, lol! It looks like a toddler and two kids live here, sure, but I am getting better about being motivated and managing my time.

    My goal for when he is home is to have all of my chores done by 8pm (when the baby goes to sleep) and spend from 8-9 (when the two older children go to bed) getting ready for him (showering, shaving, lotioning, doing my hair and make up if he wants me to that day, etc.)

    This was his idea and I think it is very thoughtful. His reasoning was after a long day I get an hour to myself to pamper myself, make myself feel pretty, and come to him feeling relaxed and confident. He gets to spend some quality time with the two older girls either helping with homework that is left or even just watching TV. Everybody wins!

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    This is great, I’m so glad it’s helping you. I wanted D/s to help motivate me in my household chores and it has. I’m still not as good as I think I need to be but I’m better than I was, so that’s progress. You two sound like you have a very good plan in place. YAY for everyone!

  • hiswife04


    Oh my gosh, I love it. You two are off to a great start. I love your motivation and his being all in. My Sir and I are establishing our D/s relationship and I’m finding it very hard to wait for his return (deployed Navy). I would love rules. He’s set goals for me, but it’s hard to stay motivated without rules, punishment or incentives. I know that will come eventually. I commend your motivation and success so far. Can only get better!!!

    Following your lead by tackling one room a day. I love that you have a plan in place and are sticking to it!! There is definitely something to be said about your successes making you feel more confident which conveys to feeling more sexy which in turn makes you feel more desireable….or desiring!

    Keep at it!!

  • thatsmygirl


    Great idea!!! Just starting out and love this idea for motivation. Bit of an odd one though for me, we share household chores… He works at home a lot and I am out at an office all day and sometimes have to pull v late ones… Any advice on how to translate it to that? It will be impossible for me to do all the housework but I feel like I’m being a bad sub when he washes up… I’ve cooked and cleaned, more than my share but can’t help feeling I’m doing it wrong?

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    CHHERS ! To all is starting …making it work for you and your Sir and where you are at in life ..kids, working , empty nester …..

    Here are a few CURVEY share to all

    You are not a Number on a scale that is NOT how your Sir treasures loves you ! STOP today beating yourself up…embrace , dress where your at TODAY ! Getting healthy, working our, losing some LBS YIPPI but, a size is NOT who you are !

    I have been listening for over 2 years on subMrs and get emails , PM from subs about chores, running cleaning our castles…Is what I was surprised to find LOL many just don’t really know how to clean …make it stay clean …it all about EVERYONE helping ( even a 2 year old can carry laundry to the washer!) ORGANIZATION ,,is the key ..everything has a place …there is no such thing as a JUNK draw ! Be creative you don’t have to of spend money on containers ….wrap shoeboxes in wrapping paper for crayon storage, save large boxes wrap in the comic paper for storage in the kids room, OOO my favorite start saving COOL shaped jars …put your body creams. locations in them . Ask CURVEY I have tons of more Id LOVE to share 😉

    I don t think there is doing it wrong there is oNLY what works , makes you and your Sir Happy !

    MMM RULES … for us rules over whelm us both ! Too many we can sustain ! We are grown adults we don’t need a rule that I should make the bed everyday …I just do it …its who I am I want it nice for my Sir . We save our rules for more things involving our BSDM , D/sM , Little, Slave …flavors TTWD it works for us

    I love reading how everysubby is leaning doing …Living HAPPILY Ever D/sM After !

    MMM maybe Curvey will ask LK for a subby chat on ….keeping our castle shiny …tips, idea, could be FUN !

    Sub-ON ,

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