• Submission does not equal opression

    Posted by jjmcelwee on at

    Being from a family of very liberal people and as a member of generation Y, I find my self coming across much about how women should never submit to a man as it is a way to further the “misogynistic regime”. That by being submissive, we are giving in to male desires and setting ours aside….that we become indentured servants to a two thousand year old structure. I have found the exact opposite to be the case however.
    When I submit to Sir, he becomes hyper focused on me and my overall health; mentally, physically and emotionally. He listens closely and carefully and considers what and why I am saying what I am with great depth. If anything, being at Sir’s feet makes us more equal than ever before. There are no power struggles like there was before I was collared and we no longer bicker over semantics. My submission is the ultimate show of my femininity, my power to choose and my love for my husband.

    whateverusaysir replied 8 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    <3 it red
    I find the same. Pure bliss 🙂

  • whateverusaysir


    We have just started all of this… and I am loving it… For over 30 years of our marriage I have been running the show…Wasnt always a great place to be and it just always seemed so vanilla… Since handing over the power now days its such a release. I dont feel oppressed about anything. I feel free. I have handed over the power to everything. He hands some back to me to take care of for him like paying the bills for us. Other than that its not things I have to worry about I love how he makes me feel so secure and so trusting in him to take care of things.

    • jjmcelwee


      It is a fantastic feeling to know that no matter what, there He is standing behind you, protecting you. I find this is true especially when I am the person who is doing the most damage to myself. When I want to eat whatever I want or when I stand in the mirror and berate my own appearance. Then, that evening, Sir puts on my big, heavy collar and everything changes. I am not ALLOWED to do those things…they are terrible for me. And he kisses my forehead and tells me I am too beautiful.

  • sweetone



    I know exactly what you mean. I was always in charge too. The two men I admired most, my maternal grandfather and my father, both cheated on their wives and left. Couple that with what society tells us about women being submissive and I just knew I would never be vulnerable like that. So while my husband is the love of my life I never gave in to what I was feeling about letting him take charge….until now. I must say it has been the best thing I have ever done. My one last act of control was handing it over.
    I think the whole woman’s lib movement came about because men weren’t taking their responsibility seriously. They had the control but gave very little in return. I now know my grandfather and father took advantage of their wives. My submissiveness is nothing like that of the women who came before me. My husband takes his job very seriously. He cherishes me. He makes me his number one priority which makes me desire him as my number one priority. We communicate (almost too much sometimes) like my parents and grandparents never did. That is what makes all of us different than previous generations. I just wish others could look in and see that women like us are not oppressed. We are soaring!

    • jjmcelwee


      Hs, I think, after talking with lots of men in my family and my Sir, that men often confuse assertion with aggression. That to be in control, they must be controlling and that has been perpetuated by women’s lib. Honestly, when women’s lib first started, they had reasons….and we still have some like wage inequalities and the like but we are treated exponentially better each year in most societies around the world. When the lib movement hit the 70s and 80s, it transformed from a necessity to a “cause” and we were no longer free to choose our place in life. We were to be mothers, financial advisers, dietitians, housekeepers, business women and ladies all at once. It is no wonder so many women are unhappy. Too many irons in the fire. Some say that is what makes a woman strong and respectable but I say, that is what makes her frantic and unhappy. She NEEDS to give control over or she will work herself into exhaustion, her children will not receive the full attention they need from her and she will waste away, worried that she hasn’t done enough. My Sir throws ALL of my worries out the window and I am left to enjoy the spring breeze through it!

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    On July 18th it will be 37 yrs. I have been with my Sir and I wish that we had started D/s 20 yrs. ago. It would have made our lives so much more easier on a daily basis with who has control. Even though what we have been brought up to believe and what society wants us still to believe is wrong is actually correct for my life. It takes a very strong person to submit and give all their trust and submission freely. It makes you stronger, peaceful and feel complete that if society as a whole looked at the divorce rate it would tell them what they believe in is not working out so good. Great topic ladies.

  • jjmcelwee


    Ive also realized that this whole situation is not only void of oppression but is the definition of true equality. I do this 100% for myself as well as 100% for Sir as he does the same for me. We are a support structure that is raised together rather than leaning this way or that at any given time. He supports the deepest, most feminine aspects of my inner self as I hold his masculinity in high regard. There is no co-dependence and no one is doing the tally of “who did what” or “who worked harder”. All of those arguments have ceased to exist. In the eleven years we have been together, ten were spent in turmoil but within days they melted away.

  • whateverusaysir


    Yea I have noticed too that there is a lot less fighting with this way of living now… He just says yes or no and that is the end of discussion… He always seems to know what is best.

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