considering embarking on a D/s dynamic in our marriage
Hi, I’m new here and firstly I’d like to say thank you to anyone who takes the time to reply, any information or advice would be very appreciated.
So a little bit of background before I ask my questions will probably help i guess. I’m 26 hubby is 29, we’ve been married for nearly 3 years and we have 2 children (2yo, 10mo). We live in France as hubby is French and this is where his work is but I am British.
Now onto my agonising dilemma I think 🙂 I’ve always been into a bit of kink, when I was a teenager I like the fluffy handcuffs and if I could have afforded it and knew my mother wouldn’t find it I’m sure half my wardrobe would have been shiny black leather with studs. As I’ve grown older I find the theatrics less interesting for me and my husband like our natural no frills sex too. After watching a film recently though it has sparked a debate between us of whether a D/s dynamic would benefit us. I’ve been feeling lost for quite sometime, I often feel overwhelmed by life I just wish someone could take me in hand and organise me, control my life give me the support and stability I feel I need. My husband said he’s been wishing he could give me the support I need to see me happier and more fulfilled and is willing to give a D/s dynamic a go. Sounds ok so far right? But here’s the crux, I just don’t think it’s really his thing. He’s not naturally a very dominant person, in fact if I had to say someone wore the trousers in our house I’d say it was me but only because someone has to. If a decision has to be made its generally me who will make it particularly when it comes to the kids. I know he wants to try but that’s the problem for me it feels like he’s just trying to pretend but really he’s only doing it because I’ve asked him to. If a man is dominant just because a woman asks doesn’t that mean that really she’s the one pulling the strings? We started writing down limits and potential rules but I feel like it’s really me deciding what I want him to discipline me over what I want him to encourage me to do. Does that make me my own Dom and him just the police man? I trust my husband more than anyone in the world but I don’t feel like it’s enough, I don’t feel like I can trust him to know what areas I’m insecure about or what I need him to take control of. Vice versa though I don’t know if he does or should trust me enough to know how I can help to make him a better person. If he’s not a naturally dominant person will he even get anything out of this? I just don’t want to embark upon this, it not work and we then back out but with ill feeling between us like I tried to change him or he failed me. I know I should be trying to talk to him about this but he just says he’s going to try each time, but I feel like he has me on this pedestal he doesn’t care what I look like, how I act, what I do he loves me (that’s supposed to be the ideal right?!) but I want him to care I want him to want me to be better to push me to be the best version of me I can be, but I don’t want to make him do something he just doesn’t feel is him.
Is it worth trying? Is it likely he might grow a taste for dominance and discover a side to him he’s never really shown before? Is it possible that in the face of my dominance his has been suppressed? What has been other people’s experiences?
Sorry I think I may have rambled a bit but I don’t really have many friends of here and those I do and the ones back home are a bit on the vanilla side 🙂
Thanks again in advance.
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