
  • Anatomy of a Triskele

    Posted by chinook on at

    [trih-skel-ee-on, -uh n, trahy-] – Some of the more current interpretations of the triskele are that it is a symbol for the cycles of life, personal growth, human development, and spiritual expansion. Because, at times, it is drawn in one continuous line, the triskele represents a continuous movement of time. It is probably this unending quality of the spiral that attracts us so greatly, and has contributed to it remaining on of the most popular Celtic symbols.

    This definition is perhaps why we have affectionately referred to our dynamic as a Triskele. Three of us each representing one branch of the Triskele brought together to create something unique and wonderful.

    I want to first mention that myself and M’Lord Metz (my alpha, my HusDom) have been together nearly 8 years now, married almost 7. We have a wonderful family consisting of three small children (all girls). Happily and strictly Monogamous our whole lives.

    How’d this third come into our lives, considering how strictly monogamous we were? Well as a friend, no one was looking for anything. He was just a good friend that on first meeting we all just got along as if we had known each other our whole lives, when really we hadn’t known each other save for internet interaction. Thru the months we talked on and off somedays more than others, I got to know more about him and he visited us often. I had found out thru idle chatter with him that he had been involved in the BDSM community for several years but had also ‘shelved’ it when he moved away from it and the idea that anyone would ever share his interests. I found out he was Poly, ofcourse I had to ask more, I just couldn’t wrap my mind around the idea of ‘playmates’ and how anyone could ever live such a lifestyle! We spoke at great length and the friendship grew and deepened, oddly enough he found a way to get me to speak my mind to him even when I was shut down so hard I wouldn’t talk to anyone at all. I think my Husband noticed it first even more before I did how much he was helping him to help me open up and be myself more. I had been so shut down and reclusive over the years that to have someone he trusted helping him to help me really set well with him. From day one we trusted him and communication has always been crucial from the very start, not as a trio but just as friends, nothing hidden away or unspoken and I think it was at that point that in trusting so deep I found the courage to approach my Husband about exploring the BDSM world SENSUALLY with our friend. He thought about it, looked at me and eventually took a breath and said… ‘Keep it sensual, not sexual and we’ll be fine’ which that really took me by surprise. We then sat down and discussed the foundations and rules of our Triskele. Open, honest, trust and above all communication… everything clear cut nothing hazy or confusing. Monsieur Wolf (my Beta) was free to explore with me the sensual side of BDSM, which we didn’t really do much of? Always respectable to M’Lord. Ups and downs with any relationship are always had and there was a lot of rebuilding to do with Monsieur Wolf before he would ever be considered a Monsieur and the Exploration was put on hold because of a lot of downs and bumpy roads.

    It wasn’t until Monsieur Wolf finally ‘put his pants on’ and stepped up and didn’t back down that he finally earned my complete trust and faith in him. A sinus infection that developed and brought me to my knees and developed into an ear infection, oddly enough. I don’t recall much but he triggered a hard relived memory that shoved me out of my own conscious mind and I had to face and relive part of my past that has always left me terrified. When I was a toddler I almost drowned in a public pool with a lifeguard on duty who did nothing, it was my mother who plucked me from the water from the other end of the pool. He did a sinus rinse on me, the minute the salt water hit I apparently stiffened sharply and freaked out (I sincerely do not recall this) then he flushed out the other side and according to him I curled up and started crying and shaking. I don’t recall it but I do recall that when I came around to my senses again I was in his arms crying and shaking, I was exhausted beyond exhausted. He earned my respect and deep trust in that moment, and what I understood was aftercare before I even knew what any of it was.

    How did we arrive here? Me with not only a HusDom but a Beta Dom all living together and coexisting and working together? No jealousy, you can’t find it in this house. Envy is one thing but jealousy? it doesn’t exist here. We all communicate openly, freely, nothing hidden, nothing feared, if there’s an issue its addressed the instant it pops up and not a moment later! ITs been well understood since he moved in with us, exactly what the rules are and no one has ever contested them. SO how do we work? Everyone wants to seem to know our dynamics, how on earth can this work? it sounds unreal… and I will admit it, when it comes to lottery? I feel I have truly won it, not because I have two loving Doms, but rather because of who they are and what I mean to them both. Monsieur Wolf, is the Beta its a role he is perfectly comfortable with as he likes to explain he’s a Viceroy to M’Lord/HusDom. He knows the rules and understands completely, sensual ONLY no penetration period. How? how the hell can a guy possibly go without sex? Ask him, then ask M’Lord and the answer may surprise you or may not. I can simply say to those who have tried to play off my fear now and again, about him seeking out other submissives or even just another woman to get laid? Would you ever assume your HusDoms would do that to you? Monsieur is dedicated to us, the triskele, the family first and foremost we mean THAT MUCH to him. He’d never sacrifice that just for something he says he can happily tend to a date with Rosy and her five sisters 😉 Real Gentlemen do exist, they are just very rare, I somehow managed to find two of them.

    What about M’Lord/HusDom? doesn’t he get jealous!?! No, never, he gets a lil envious now and again because Monsieur Wolf telecommutes for his job so he is home, but he is also working. He sees how much Monsieur helps ALL of us, how he fits, how much he contributes and NO this is NOT just financially, he contributes by also helping with well everyday things, we function together like a wonderful family, frankly, as it should be and as it needs to. DO I get jealous? why would I? I love seeing the two of them together they’re almost like brothers and as much as Monsieur Wolf has helped me to better communicate vocally, he’s also helped M’Lord warm and trust someone everyday, to let his guard down and actually hug and joke around with someone more freely. In return we help Monsieur Wolf, he has gained a family life he always wanted, so its a little different, but it works so well. M’Lord and I have taught him proper etiquette (you’d be surprised how often this is lost in today) how to be a proper gentleman and helped rebuild him from his arrogant bachelor life styling in pure rebellion, to something slowly becoming more and more polished and actually proud to be himself. So we all gain and benefit from each other on several levels.

    What about the kids? They purely accept things as it is, my eldest refers to Wolf as her second dad, I have yet to see M’Lord wince about this or complain. Quite honestly I don’t foresee a problem with this and if there ever is? Well we DO communicate well with our kids too! If the kids had a problem with Monsieur Wolf, this probably wouldn’t have worked out to be honest. It took the WHOLE family agreeing and accepting things…its how we work there is no special rocket science to this I’m afraid to disappoint. Honestly… its just a rarity that happened to work.

    So where will this go? what do we expect from this? To be honest and frank with everyone here. We don’t know, quite frankly as I wrote in my journal…I will still stand firm by this… whenever I am asked what I hope things will eventually become all I answer is “Greater, more wonderful and in depth than it is today…” that is to say I do not set long term goals in the very least, if anything I think what we have will flow however it is going to flow, be it evolve more or stay the same or even break down. I doubt the break down, but hope for the evolution, and strive for the same 🙂 quite frankly I believe I can truly say its a shared opinion.

    I will always welcome questions and curiosities from any and all, and I am happy to answer them… never feel shy to ask me anything either in chat or even a PM. While some might shake their heads and still be in disbelief I leave you with this thought… in the traditional BDSM community…. how often were HusDoms heard of? Probably not as many as you may think, like this community itself we have a different approach to things and its something we have made ours and made it work… here’s to tomorrow and whatever it may bring.

    ~Soumis Chinook

    chinook replied 9 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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