• D/S Tattoos, Markings or Jewelry

    Posted by mrs-o on at

    My Mr suggested we get tattoos to symbolize this new part of our lives. He asked how I would feel about getting and ‘S’ somewhere on me. I love the idea. We are tattoo people and it would just symbolize this new amazing journey in our lives.

    Curious if anyone else has a marking or tattoo or even special jewelry to indicate your D/S relationship.

    Unknown Member replied 8 years, 10 months ago 13 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Unknown Member


    As far as jewelry, I have my day collar, silver with a heart lock.
    My Sir and I have also discuss tattoos. Maybe on both of us. I have 5 tattoos already so it is not new to me , but Sir does not have any so getting one would be bid deal for him.
    We have talked about getting “D/s” on both of us or some sort of BDSM Triskele design but with an overlay, enhancement or incorporation of “D/s” that would somewhat make it unique and not so obvious as a basic triskele. I have also though of maybe using my “Morning Glory” sub name and doing a triskele of three morning glory flower in the triskele pattern. Not really sure. It is a big decision and it has to be just the right design. Does any one here on LK have drawing skills that may be able to contribute some designs?

    • mrs-o


      Like the idea of the morning glory with it for you. We thought about the bdsm symbol too.

  • sassymagpie


    I also have a day collar. He also wears a leather bracelet that I gave to him. Just a little over a week ago I got a tattoo to show my devotion to him. He helped me put it together. It is an Infinity sign with the word “his” written into it. It also incorporates the flowers that he has always gotten me. A picture of it is in my profile if were interested in seeing it. It really means a lot to both of us. We have been tossing ideas back and forth of something for him, but haven’t found anything yet.

  • blondiet


    Sir and I have also discussed a tattoo for each of us. He is a bit hesitant as he views couples tattoos as a jinx. Apparently several couples he’s known have broken up or divorced after getting one. I’m hoping we can get one sometime in the near future. I have no idea what it would be. We both have tattoos so another one wouldn’t be a big deal for us either. I have a couple different day collars and a bracelet and an ankle cuff. I wear whatever he chooses that day.

  • sweet-surrender


    i would love to have a day collar and since Sir plays guitar/bass i asked if i could have a thick bass string to fashion an inconspicuous collar from. i’ve made a rough design and just need to choose a good clasp/lock that can be worn to work without people catching on because i am a professional and because Sir insists we keep our private life private.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    I have a choker that I wear daily that he bought me and he has a couple things waiting in the wings that I need to earn. i’m working very hard to earn them because he showed me one and it is GORGEOUS! We already have a couples tattoo that we got on our 10th anniversary. We have discussed another tattoo for me and as soon as he figures out what it will be, I will go sit in a chair. I have half my back covered and ink on both arms so it’s not a huge deal. I just need to be able to cover for professional reasons, though I wouldn’t rule out a wrist tattoo. Also, like Sweet Surrender, jewelry needs to be innocuous to others to maintain, as my Sir says, “our little secret.”

  • 5ara


    My Avatar on here is my Sirs name in symbols that I designed and have had tattooed on my inner upper arm. I love it, as when my hands are above my head, my Sir can gaze at it and know that I am his. I also have a stainless steel butt plug that Sir sends me out with, when we have to be apart… it serves as a constant reminder that the region is all his! As is every part of me. Sometimes, as I am going about my daily tasks, I bet people wonder why I have such a smile on my face.

  • hersubject


    Unfortunately, my job does not allow personal jewellery – we have very strict uniform standards (I lost a fight over the right to display an innocuous forearm tattoo of an owl about two inches square) so I’m unable to wear a necklace, collar or even bracelet.

    My Queen, on accepting my submission cut her symbol (three stylized lines of water) into my shoulder with a scalpel. I was slightly disappointed as she cut very lightly and it has healed completely with no scarring. I’m going to have to ask her politely to redo it…

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    i have a day collar i wear and a temporary/training leash. But He’s also shown me the one for later. For religious reasons W/we ruled out tattoos but W/we’ve talked about me getting a piercing. Probably a vertical hood piercing. W/we’re mostly just waiting to find someone W/we trust to actually do it.

  • jaebyrd


    Sir and i asked quite often discuss getting tattoos and piercings. We are tattoo people so it wouldn’t be unusual. we are currently discussing having his name Sir Salohcin placed somewhere where private on me for just him to see. he has a ‘j’ and a bird tattooed on his hands already. i have a Q and a heart symbol on my ankle as i am the queen of his heart and he is getting a K and a club symbol on him. we have also agreed to get genital piercings but we just have to have the spare $200 to get them done. as for jewellery, i have different play collars but until we do our f/a i do not have a day collar. we have it waiting here but need to do f/a first. i have a bracelet that can only be opened/closed by a key that sir will wear on a necklace. i seriously can not wait to wear it.

  • honeybadger


    Jaebyrd, I would love to see a picture of your bracelet. I long for something that is safe for work but that Sir locks on and takes off.

  • Sweets-CommunityMentor


    all great ideas ladies.. Tattoos and Piercing and Jewelry are such awesome ways to express your love and D/s symbols. I personally have a few tattoos.. one has my sirs name on it with an infinity symbol and the oneon my back is roses and thorns in the shape of the BDSM symbol.. my sir has a tribal BDSM symbol on his shoulder… and my sub name on his other shoulder…

    Thank you for commenting on the Forum Friday post…

    cant wait to see the tats and jewelry if you can share..

    sweetness & submrs

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Sir is looking to do one across his shoulders,hard to find. We have found one; we both saw a heart and men’s neck tie lol…. So he will always have my heart and I love using neckties in playtime. I have one but also want another to celebrate our Dom/s

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