Finding Ourselves – A journey in progress
Strider and I met our first year in college, both fresh from being hurt in our first relationships. When we talked about it a few days ago, he told me that he felt protective of me from the first time he saw me. It was a passionate, overwhelming, all-consuming love that is hard for others to understand, especially college freshman. It was hard for me to admit that I needed and craved him as much as he felt for me. It isn’t everyday that the love of your life is #2. We were both virgins, but he was into some “interesting” things (BDSM). I felt that I needed to keep him happy and went along with it. However, I made sure he knew it was “his thing.”
Just to clarify, I have never been physically hurt or felt anything but seduction and erotic pain. We don’t do discipline outside of playtime (sex) and Strider does not insist on being called Sir. I am intelligent, responsible, and independent and he loves that about me. He says it’s hot to have that kind of woman submit to him rather than having a “doormat.” I have learned so much about D/s and realize that there is so much variety, so NO offense at all toward those who are 24/7. There are many beautiful relationships out there.
We continued our education, married and had a kiddo. I continued to engage in “his thing” whenever he asked. As time went on, I began to enjoy “his thing” and his alpha attitude in bed. However, I was unable to accept that (admit that to myself) or tell him. Would he think I was silly and laugh in my face? What about this idea of pain and kinky sex? Isn’t it wrong for someone to like that stuff? Isn’t it abuse that has no place in marriage? Also, isn’t this exactly what a woman like me (a professional, intellectual, liberal feminist) was against? These questions plagued me for years. I spent years being physically dominated but disconnecting myself from accepting it mentally and emotionally as something I liked because I felt guilty. He would say many times that he felt that I was physically present but not really there. I knew he was unhappy and it broke my heart. Why was I doing all that stuff in the first place and why wasn’t he happy despite my efforts?
After over a decade, I thought maybe I wasn’t giving him everything he wanted in bed, so I found a BDSM checklist and filled it out for him. I didn’t even know what the initials stood for, so it took me a long time to figure out even what ½ the stuff was. You’re probably thinking how could this chic be so uneducated? See, I would never talk to him about it after we played. It was strictly his thing…he bought the stuff…he did whatever he wanted and then put it away. He asked me how new things felt and tried to get my input, but I never wanted any part of thinking/learning about it and developing new ideas, and I made that clear in no uncertain terms.
He seemed very surprised when he got the checklist and we began having a conversation. He spent a lot of time explaining what stuff was to me. He then asked me how I felt about all this. I was unable to tell him the truth – that I wanted to give myself to him in bed, that I wanted him to have all of me, that I wanted to bewitch him body, mind and soul, that I wanted to be and fulfill his every sexual fantasy. Finally, after lots of talk, I admitted that I did like what we did in bed. It was a BIG moment for me — my stomach was in knots and I was so scared what he was going to say. I was shocked when I found that he was so happy and relieved. Then, he asked me the hardest question – WHY? Why did I like it? And that was a VERY difficult thing for me to admit. For me, the biggest high was knowing that I was pleasing him. It was then that I found this website, and it really helped me accept who I was and what I wanted. I got the courage to admit to him that I wanted to be His – body, mind and soul. What followed was one of the most amazing moments of my life. “I want you to Dominate me” I breathed, worried what he would say. “I want you to Submit to me,” he replied. We were both lost for a moment I think, but I felt a sense of freedom as thought a large burden had been lifted from my shoulders.
I saw my husband, who was a very quiet guy bloom to life after that. He was happier, honest and more assertive. I directed him to the guy’s site, and my guy who was always anti-‘social-media’ took to it like a fish to water. He told me that he felt at home there – that he could just be himself with no judgment.
We also discovered 24/7 and began discussing that. While it is not for us right now, it did get us talking about how we communicate and interact. He brought up that he felt he wasn’t being heard sometimes. We are best friends and we talk a LOT. No brattyness, no disrespect from either side, very rarely a disagreement or fighting. So, that statement surprised me. I asked what he meant and he said I shot down his ideas without hearing them out and that he felt he could never be right. This was shocking to me – a guy with multiple professional degrees (yes, I have my own too) felt he couldn’t talk honestly to me??? I got an idea about downtime and brought it to him, but he refused. He said if you were naked and your head is on my thigh, we’re NOT going to talk (mind will be on other fun, distracting things). After discussing it, we decided that downtime in a non-sexual environment would work. We did decide to be more honest, open and vulnerable with each other. I have promised to listen to his ideas and he has promised to edit and tailor them before putting them out there. I was a “don’t touch me outside the bedroom” kinda gal due to family and society – not even hand holding or his hand on the small of my back. I also finally admitted that I liked to feel his touch outside the bedroom, that it reassured me and made me feel happy. He said he will gladly oblige.
This whole experience has been a big breakthrough for us. I find an indescribable happiness that I am able to accept my husband for the amazing Dom he is and admit to Him/myself that I am indeed His Sub. It is amazing to really be vulnerable and give yourself fully and purely to someone, without reservation or fear and accept that person in the same way. I encourage each of you to be honest with yourselves. This journey is different for each couple, but I hope that each of you come to find the happiness we have. I Love You My Strider and I look forward to continuing this journey with you.
Yours Always, Arwen
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