• anal play/training

    Posted by takara on at

    Hello fellow subs
    my question(s) stems from some anal training that Master has been working with me on. To give a little back story, anal anything was not easy for me to submit to. i had some pretty painful (mental and physical) experiences in the past. However,through discovering that Master and i wanted this new D-M/s dynamic to our relationship and knowing his interest in the topic i was happy and willing to, as always, give Him my all and try my very best. His training of me started off, as always, understanding and tender. Playing with my ass while giving other stimulation. Over the years this has become something that i crave and often times ask for (when allowed lol). Over the past few months He has asked that i train with anal plugs at various times and has told me His end goal is to get me comfortable with one that is similar to His size. The training has also included anal sex, which was difficult at the beginning, but again with his tender instructions and the underlying trust i have in Him- fully understanding everything He asks and desires of me is 1) for His pleasure and 2) to better myself and work through issues i can not do on my own, i am humbled and happy to offer Him this part of me.
    my question(s) are:
    – have any of you had to deal with and overcome this roadblock?
    – have any of you played or trained with an anal hook? – this is something that i have just learned about and my curiosity is peaked. i understand the basics of it…i suppose i am more curious what, after in place, your Sirs or Marsters do with it/you.
    – in regards to plugs, i understand there are the sil-a-gel ones of varying sizes, but have also looked in to the metal ‘prettier’ ones that often have a jewel on the end…any advice/experiences with these? while i have only trained with the sil-a-gel ones, my initial thoughts are that, yes the metal jewel ones are more attractive..i wouldn’t imagine they have much give to them. so are they more for ‘show’/ scenes vice training in and out of the house for prolonged periods of time?
    This is my first time starting a new topic and opening myself up by asking a (semi) direct question, i hope i didn’t make it too long winded.
    Thank you ladies, i really value and appreciate the sub-port!
    Take care,
    E’s baby girl

    Unknown Member replied 8 years ago 8 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • takara


    Beautiful- thank you for your insight, it is very helpful. Sir knows me better than anyone and has said he believes that it will be something that both he and i will enjoy. i too am fearful of the unknown, but hearing his excitement this is something that i want to work on and give over to him.

    • lilprincess


      We are starting this as well. I had some serious problems after our last son was born. Taking it slow for now. Did a wash today but I think I did too much. I’m thinking that every person is different but what would you say would be a good break in plan. We have 3 small silicone plugs and a harness to hols them in. I am keeping the small one in until my rim gets sore a little. Then I take a break. The plan is to let it stay in a little longer each day. We still play with anal at night and so far so good.Does this seem reasonable?

      Sorry of I took this over. I probably should have started a new thread. Lol

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User

        I know personally I have to start out slow inserting my plugs or when Sir enters me it must be slow because I have a rectal fistula that will break open if I go too fast. It’s better since I’ve kept a better diet and had less prob with constipation but I just communicate with Sir so I doesn’t break open. If it does then it takes several days for it to heal before we can play again.

  • pixiegirl


    Beautiful, what does the hook do for you? What does it make you feel, what is the purpose? Is it similar to a plug?
    Sorry about all the questions, i’m intrigued by it 😉

  • takara


    Pixie, those are great questions. And again Beautiful great and helpful answers. Love the sub-port and learning that can be had here. Getting more and more excited to get ours in the mail!

  • pixiegirl


    Thank you for your reply Beautiful. They do look a bit scary, your experiences with it are very helpful. That might be something to get for the toybox after all 😉

  • wen77


    Best thing I found for anal training is coconut oil! It makes it all so much easier. From wearing my plugs out to when my sir is using larger plugs to train me and it also makes anal sex feel so much better then lubes.

  • tatiana


    We too are in anal training. I want this so bad, because I know how much sir wants it… he is rather large so it scares,me. So question. Every time I put my plug in… ummm other things want to come out…. how often do u do enimas?? Anyone?

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Dear T,
    CHEERS to you for reading out …asking questions …probable all inquiring Sub minds want to know LOL
    My share ….
    YES..I did over come past abuse issues on the back door for Sir
    Yes..I believe size does matter ….and might require some extra TLC …different positions to not allow full pressure
    Yes, me too ..In training for a while I want to give the gift to my Sir
    I found plugs not helpful …what we are …me …dildo m many shapes, lengths sizes. I do have a plug …I went stainless steel ..I found it stayed in better , comfortable LOL…easy to keep clean
    The very BEST training is Playing with Sirs fingers …period …I have gotten further along doing that . Laying over Sirs lap ass in the air, candles, music ….wand is a BONUS and Sir talking to me ….

    GOOD GIRL ….from Sirs lips keep me in the moment ……Sir has slid in a bit now …so , I expecting SUCESS soon.

    Sub – On , Curvey PS you might PM Sweetness on the hook 🙂

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User

      Ahh curvy, you mentioned using dildos for training, I actually tried using one that I had that looks and feels like a real dick (it’s one of Sirs favorite toys to use on me) I found if you can go slow and relax it really helps a bunch.

  • blomst


    about enemas – not a full colon one but – a good rectum “wash” every time as prelude to planed anal play, Make sure you don’t spill water over the bend into the “sigmoideum” can upset the colon.
    Can’t stand the thought on feces on toys or Sir


  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    I used plugs also, a sm one and a med vibrating one, and vibrating dildos. I did let Sir take me once so far and it was a very enjoyable experience. We just took it slow and I was on top giving this to him. I was in control at first really, lube and going slow (I do have to be careful as I have fissure that will break open if I go too fast) but then he took over and I encouraged him, letting him know all was good. I love when Sir plays with my ass with his fingers as well. (And he knows it…).

    I’m not one that would do enemas though… But might not be a bad idea to cleanse the sigmoid. But it could make you need to go again too soon, so I’m not to sure about this. Maybe just make sure to go to the bathroom before hand.

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