Summer Solstice | subMrs Summer Exhibition Challenge

In celebration of our submissive souls, I want to celebrate the Summer Solstice. Summer is my favorite time of year, many submissive’s favorite time. It’s a time of carefree celebration. As the Earth’s atmosphere heats up, it makes us feel livelier, more open to play with our husDOM’s. The extra daylight has mood-boosting effects. Imagine our Dominants, pollinating our bodies, more importantly our consciousness’. On this day our consciousness’ are their most present, letting us believe in who we know ourselves to be. The next couple weeks we can talk about how to celebrate the summer solstice while heating up our marriages!

Summer Solstice

The first day of Summer or MidSummer (Shakespeare) is Friday, June 21st at 11:54 a.m. EDT. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, this marks the longest day of the year and the moment when the Sun reaches the Tropic of Cancer, its highest point. It is the Summer Solstice!


Spiritually speaking Goddess Mother Earth is to be said to be pregnant with Child. The Sun God is at the height of his virility. This is the most powerful day of the year for spiritual growth and healing. The Earth is awash with fertility and fulfillment and this is a time of joy and celebration. Mother Earth is most powerful and at the fullness of her strength, fertility, and abundance, during the Summer Solstice. Light is energy. The Sun King, a deity, creator and supreme being at the height of his life-giving power.  The Sun King’s warmth is what provides the light necessary for all living beings to thrive. The couple cum together in a climax on this day, The Summer Solstice.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth,

Mother Nature, also known as Mother Earth, Goddess Earth is a Greco-Roman personification of nature that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature by embodying it, in the form of the mother.

Yet within this high energy & light filled climax there is an oh so quiet whisper, the promise of the return of the Darkness. The light reaches its peak, the solstice, is also the moment when the power of the sun God begins to soften, wane & weaken. From this day on the days grow shorter and the night’s darkness grows. Just the same as in the story of the Oak King vs the Holly King, he too surrenders his reign to his brother, his twin, the Holly King, and the decline of the season begins. Before we welcome, the Holly King and the return of the dark side of the year, we have to celebrate the turning point, giving thanks for what has been seeded, grown, and soon harvested. On let’s show our gratitude and honor Mother Earth and the sun God by celebrating this great turning point of the wheel of the seasons.

Ancient Traditions & Beliefs

In ancient Gaul, today, area of and around France, the Midsummer celebration was called Feast of Epona. The celebration was named after a mare goddess who personified fertility and protected horses. After Christianity spread in Europe and other parts of the world, The Feast of Epona like many pagan customs were incorporated into the Christian religion that you know today.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona

Epona was a protector of horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules. She was particularly a goddess of fertility, as shown by her attributes of a drinking bowl, cornucopia, ears of grain and the presence of foals in some sculptures. She and her horses might also have been angels in the ride into the after-life. On Mackinac Island, Michigan, Epona is celebrated each June with stable tours, a blessing of the animals and the Epona and Barkus Parade. The “Feast of Epona” involves the blessing of horses and other animals by a local churchman.

The ancient Romans celebrated the festival of Vestalia, in honor of the goddess of the hearth. Married women brought offerings to the temple of Vesta, hoping the goddess would bestow blessings upon their families. Vesta was the protector of married women and virginity, and was exclusively a goddess for women. Women would bake a sacred cake, which followed a strict recipe. Water from a sacred spring would be used, and prevented from coming into contact with the Earth, as it was carried in blessed jugs.

In northern Europe, people would celebrate the solstice with a bonfire, banishing evil spirits and demons, and instead creating magic in the atmosphere. This would involved feasting and dancing. Solstice ceremonies in nations such as Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, encouraged couples to jump over bonfires while holding hands. If the couple maintained their grip, their relationship was considered strong, indicating success and happiness. If they lost their grasp, their relationship was doomed. The Celts would also gather around bonfires, jumping over them, believing the fire would purify the soul, and burn away impurities and problems.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge,

MidSummer Day thousands of people will gather at Stonehenge to watch the sunrise on summer solstice, a ritual that has endured for thousands of years. It’s also one of the rare occasions that visitors are allowed to enter the prehistoric stone circle.

In many Celtic-based traditions there is the legend of the battle between the Oak King and the Holly King. These two mighty rulers fight for supremacy as the Wheel of the Year turns for each season. At the Winter Solstice, or Yule, the Oak King conquers the Holly King, and then reigns until Midsummer, or Litha. Once the Summer Solstice arrives, the Holly King returns to do battle with the old king, and defeats him. 

In ancient China, the summer solstice was observed by a ceremony to celebrate the Earth, femininity, and the “yin” forces. The Winter Solstice then celebrates the heavens, masculinity and “yang” forces. In Chinese traditions, the shortest shadow is found on the day of the Summer Solstice.

Solstice Ceremony & Celebration

How do we celebrate the Summer Solstice? Today the Summer Solstice is not about a religion or cult practices, It’s about a way to bring light and celebration into your life. Solstice rituals are all based around the principles of water, fire, and a celebration of nature. Most people celebrate solstices by making having a bonfire/campfire, going camping, boating at the lake, cooking out. This time of year is best to time collect herbs & flowers & honey as they all are in the height of their power and potency. Basically, enjoying the all things outdoors.

Individual Celebration

As a submissive, There are ways we can celebrate the Earth giving abundance and sun’s power & strength as an individually. Using your submissive mediation table or alter and set it up with a few summer solstice items. You can use a candle representing the fire (bonfire), a few small special stones to form your ceremonial ring around your candle. Representing your feast, three tangerines that have ripened and will be ready to eat. You can burn some dried herbs like sage or lavender in a small bowl. Over burning lavender you make wish for the coming season. Sage, known to purify, bring clarity, heal & give prosperity. This herb clears your own bodily energy or the energies of other people within your body or within your spaces.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge, Smudge, Sage

If herbs are NOT your thing, take this time to ask for change by writing a few things on small papers. Roll up the papers into small scrolls, and burn them in your little mediation pot. Doing this will release a care or bad energy from you. Make sure to care for your potted plant or flower on your table and give thanks for it. You can also create a head wreath (crown of herbs & flowers), a beautiful ring to wear on this special day. Make some “sun-tea” using the sun’s energy, sealing in the golden goodness of the sun. Some subMrs may want to make a special treat, a cake made from honey. Make the type of cake you like, it’s about the intension and just as long as it has a “sunny disposition”. At the end of the day, you can take a bath, your water element to the solstice, add again herbs or a few flower petals to sooth the soul.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge, Smudge, Sage, Summer Solstice Altar, sabbat,

Summer Solstice altar for this season’s change holiday or Sabbat always includes warm colors, particularly leaning on golds, yellows, browns and oranges.

St. John

One Flower or herb that I found most interesting is St. John’s Wort, it has sunny golden flowers and is the most mentioned herb of Midsummer. St. John’s Wort is named after Saint John the Baptist because it blooms on his day. The feast day of Saint John the Baptist or Midsummer was a very popular event in the political and social system of France, and it is still celebrated as a religious feast day in several countries. Herbalists often prescribe St. John’s Wort as an effective herbal anti-depressant-perhaps because it accumulates the sunny nature of Midsummer in its very being. As a magical herb, it’s connected with protection from thunderstorms. Many put a few twigs up in their homes and bedrooms or in their head-wreaths.

Midsummer Head-Wreaths (Crowns)

In the Celebration of Midsummer, the circle is a frequently used symbol. Flowered crowns can be worn while dancing around bonfire, given as gifts, hung around the necks of animals for protection. Some people throw them into the fire at the end of their celebration and say a few sacred words like, “May all my ill-luck depart and be burnt up with these.” or you can take them home, slightly singing them for good luck and fragrance from the fire. Be sure to hang them in your home, for good luck! In the past boys and girls gazed at each other across the fire through the wreaths, if the wreath showed promise the girls threw the wreaths across the fire for the boy to catch. If they catch it they will marry within the year, if not……… They may just make for a fun partner for the evening.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website

The flower crown originated from the Ancient Greeks. It was especially popular to wear them at special occasions to honor the gods. 

Solstice’s Magic

A MidSummer Night’s Dream

Most people think of MidSummer’s Night’s Dream when MidSummer or Summer Solstice is mentioned. In Shakespeare’s Story the atmosphere is made up of fantasy, whimsy, and sexual magic. The story takes place in a magical wood. The characters experience events that seem more like a dreamy illusion rather than reality. During Shakespeare’s day, The Elizabethan Era , Midsummer’s Eve was all about celebrating two types of fertility, First, the successful planting and harvesting of crops, then the type of fertility associated with dating and marriage. Summer Solstice was an excuse to party outdoors. These celebrators danced, drank, and collected medicinal herbs. For a lot of pleasure seekers, Midsummer was also supposed to be a time of mystery and magic. The spirits ran around causing mischief and teenage girls had naughty dreams about the men they’d eventually fall in love with and marry.  The play even enacts some of Summer Solstice’s rituals.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge, Smudge, Sage, Summer Solstice Altar, sabbat,

Scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Titania and Bottom is an 1851 oil-on-canvas painting by British artist Edwin Landseer. The painting shows Titania, Queen of the Fairies, after she has been given a love potion, embracing the temporary object of her love, the mechanical Nick Bottom. Bottom has been also enchanted and has the head of an ass.

Solstice’s Sexual Magic Yesterday & Today

Summer Solstice, Mid-Summer or Litha is a powerful time for sexual magic. In ancient times, they would say, “Midsummer night is not long but it sets many cradles rocking.” This is because the way the people celebrate the holiday. Several cultures would celebrate the solstice by having camping trips into the mountains and deep into the woods, during which much drinking and frolicking occurs. Lovers would go into the forest on Midsummer’s Eve to look for the flowering ferns, which is supposed to be blooming only on that very night. All the time knowing there are no ferns ever bloom. This provides the lovers a good excuse for escaping into a shady place and spend some private time. Today, you can mix yesterday and today, do your very own MidSummer Dominance and submission Couples Ceremony. Doing this ceremony, commemorating the joy, the abundance and the spiritual fire within as a Dominance and submission couple. Joining together and creating a couples MidSummer D/s, Dominance and submission ceremony is such as treat. Today, mix some of your Dominance and submission rituals with the ones of the Summer Solstice celebrations of today and of our ancients. A couples ceremony is a way for us to show mother earth & the Sun God our appreciation for the energy and blessings that they bless us with year round. It is very easy to feel connected to the solstices rituals and energies as they flow around a Dominant and a submissive force. Take what you already ritualize and add nature’s elements or just include nature with it. For example, if you are at the lake or at home around the pool, skinny dipping. Wearing your birthday suit in water this night is magical. The element of water is associated with the flow of life and sexual energy. It’s also associated with the root of creativity, creation and the essence of life itself where first principles came into being. You may want to use a washable marker and draw a symbol of water over the lower abdomen of your partner to represent water, or flow of life. 

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge, Smudge, Sage, Summer Solstice Altar, sabbat,

Do Ferns bloom?

No, ferns are not blooming plants. They are an ancient group of plants that reproduce by spores.

Creating & Planning Your Sexual Magic

You always sit in Downtime and ask your Sir for what it is you desire. Then you discuss what you want to happen. When you’re creating and planning, you can start with your ritual space. Is your Summer Solstice ritual going to happen indoors or outdoors? Prepare the areas and make sure you have the spaces supplies that you will need for the actual ritual. Where are you going to be June 21st? Will you or can you be alone, really alone with your partner? If indoors make a place where you can do the ritual alone and have a comfortable & sensual moment, a D|s-M nest. Prepping your bodies, oils ect…. Outdoors, make sure it’s all cleaned up. Place a padded blanket and some towels in a secluded area by your ringed area. These are things to take into consideration. Add Earth’s four (natures) elements, fire, earth, air, and water. Make sure to include your ritual ring, fire and feast. Take into consideration you may want to wear robes that are easily taken off and put back on.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge, Smudge, Sage, Summer Solstice Altar, sabbat, Summer Solstice camp out, summer solstice bonfire,

Typically, the spaces allotted for tents are about 10 by 12 feet which accommodates a 5- by 8-foot tent.

Setting the Ritual’s Intension

Then and now, that special sexual magic was/is meant to be a sacred act between consenting ‘adult’ partners, perfect for a husDOM and a subMrs. It requires a level of trust and love between partners, again something that a D|s-M already contains. The love we have with our Dominant will create and generate the energy that empowers us to set the intent of the magical ritual itself, sexual solstice ritual. It is very important to align your energies with the divine spirit of mother Earth and the Sun King (God) on this night. Any Solstice is the best time to have a Dominance and submission scene. How do you make sure that you harness the magic of the solstice? First, define your intent. You must have a specific reason for creating this sexual magic between you both. Second, you have to raise energy so to be able to pull the magic of the Summer Solstice and mother Earth into your bodies. Dance, touch and even sing. Feast on one another.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge, Smudge, Sage, Summer Solstice Altar, sabbat, Summer Solstice camp out, summer solstice bonfire,

Sex magic or sexual magick is any type of sexual activity used in magical, ritualistic or otherwise religious and spiritual pursuits. One practice of sex magic is using the energy of sexual arousal or orgasm with visualization of a desired result.

Summer Solstice Sexual Ritual

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge, Smudge, Sage, Summer Solstice Altar, sabbat, Summer Solstice camp out, summer solstice bonfire,

You can do this magical ritual indoors or outdoors. (Indoors) First, you create a circle with stone or a ring of some kind in the area where you can be comfortable the couple enters the circle together. ( Have your solstice table or altar visible and easily reachable.) Make sure you have all the elements on your table that we discussed above. The candle being lit, your fire needs to be aflame before you begin. If you are doing an outdoor ritual, you will have a bonfire/campfire area you want to use, this is your ring, Make sure you have your fire burning. You will make the secondary ring by holding hands and walking around it, setting an imaginary path around the fire. Both standing in the center of the indoor space, outdoors the couple stand around the fire, robed, the Dominant says a few words & setting the intent for your ritual tonight. Setting the intent will raise the energy among other things. The submissive, imagines Mother Earth stepping inside the ring and into her. The Dominant does the same with the Sun King. You can take a makeup crayon or marker and ritually draw the earth and the sun on one another. If you plan on adding water to your ceremony, draw the waves onto your skin as well. Keep in mind all the accessories, flower crowns, herbs, things you may want to symbolically use around or with your fire.

Through out the act, communication is of the utmost importance in raising your energies. You will be verbally and physically communicating. The Dominant being the gentleman hold the subs hand, helping her kneel and stand. He will be giving her instructions. The submissive will follow his lead and make sure to give him loving words and touches through our the ritual. Make sure both are comfortable and at ease with all that is happening, sit in Downtime and discuss beforehand. Being uncomfortable will degrade the energy of the working. Recite affirmations that express your feelings and desires of the things you wish and want to do through out this time. Do NOT be afraid to let the God & Goddess take over and work through you. In this ritual, I spoke of pollination, very important before the time of year where the darkness takes over, submissives, let your Dominant’s pollinate your body. At the moment of climax, both partners need to focus their energies on the results of the intent of this ritual. Say something as he pollinates you and your mind, “To create a higher level of love, I release or take on my body, the essence of the God or Goddess creation onto/into my body”. Make sure to imagine the release of the the goddess and Gods from your bodies. Also, let him and you use your bodily fluids and rub them on your partners skin. Let it be an offering and a sign of possession along with the release of the sun or king or the goddess or moon that you took into yourself for this brief time.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge, Smudge, Sage, Summer Solstice Altar, sabbat, Summer Solstice camp out, summer solstice bonfire, sun King, Sun God
You are Mother Nature and your Sir the sun King for this ritual. Make it count!

Afterwards, spend some time laying with each other and visualizing your energy moving out into the ethereal and manifesting inside one another. Show your husDOM’s your tables and altars. Share your future visions for the upcoming months. As with all rituals it should end with giving thanks to the divine forces you called into your ritual, but to each other as well. Couples, blow out your candles or make sure your camp fires are controlled. subMrs, bathe with & wash your Sir’s. Have fun and swim with your Sir’s if you’re lucky enough to have a pool in your backyards. (add the herbs ect.. to your baths that we discussed above.) Dominant’s thank your subs for her preparation and her body that she not only shared with you but also with Mother Earth and with the Sun God King. Yes, you may or may not of just had a foursome.

Summer Exhibition Challenge

An Exhibitionist is a person who behaves in an extravagant way in order to attract attention. Erotic Exhibitionism involves exposing the naked body and become sexually excited or having a strong desire to be observed by other people during sexual activity. The appeal of being an exhibitionist is the idea of being naughty. the belief that you might get caught, is the thrill! How many couples relate is when it comes to having sex someplace you shouldn’t. Your blood pounds and your senses heighten! Think of what could be if discovered by others! Whew, that got me excited talking about it!

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge, Smudge, Sage, Summer Solstice Altar, sabbat, Summer Solstice camp out, summer solstice bonfire, sun King, Sun God, Voyeurism

Voyeurism is a sexual interest in spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing & sexual activity. The term comes from the French voir which means “to see”. A male voyeur is commonly labelled as “Peeping Tom” or a “Jags”, a term which originates from the Lady Godiva legend.

Summer Solstice Celebration, Litha, MidSummer, MidSummer Night's Dream, Solstice Magic, Sexual Magic, Dominance and submission solstice ritual and celebration, Ancient solstice celebration, Summer Exhibition Challenge, submissive Spiritual Group, Married Dominance and submission website, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Feast of Epona, Stonehenge, Smudge, Sage, Summer Solstice Altar, sabbat, Summer Solstice camp out, summer solstice bonfire, sun King, Sun God, Voyeurism

Many of us couples enjoy this element of Dominance and submission. We want others to see us, or we want others to watch. These people most times are strangers. The cleaning guy or workmen at the high-rise across the street from your hotel. The couple that happen to walk by the dark corner where you “think” it will be safe for your Sir to raise your dress and have a quickie. With the additional sunlight positively affecting our moods and your sex drives, I thought we would for the rest of the summer have a Summer Exhibition Challenge. For the remainder of summer’s days, D|s-M couples will compete in our challenge, having sex where they could be possibly seen. Now, you have to prove it, take a picture of who is watching or could be, while you are both performing a sex act! Your pics do not have to be perfect, just a quick snap. Send them into The best exhibition and or the most exhibitonistic couple will get a prize. We will announce the winners, The first day of Fall, or Fall equinox, this is the moment when the Sun appears to cross the celestial equator, heading southward. Couples report having 12% more sex in the summer than during any other season. Just a reminder, public sex is illegal in most states. This doesn’t make it any less hot, but it certainly ups the risk factor. Sex in your backyard or your home’s sunniest room, perfectly legal! ENJOY!

Spiritual Group

We are expanding on subMrs once again, with the love of yoga, meditation and Kuma Sutra and Tantric, ALL THINGS SPIRITUAL & MAGICAL. We are going to start a NEW group with it’s own forum. The group will be called “Spirituality”. If you enjoyed this post and want to see more, join the group! See you there!

Little Kaninchen (LK)

6/19, 6/20

Paid Pics, google info, wiki

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