• Kaninchen


    Assuming with young kids…….. D/s- Did not go wrong here. Your nephew abused a woman. I would advise you to get her and him help and counseling ASAP. I have no idea where he would get slapping and hitting is D/s…. She is a young girl, 19 she needs a professional to help. The nephew should feel lucky he doesn’t end up in jail. Very SAD!

    Kids that young, I don’t advise encouraging them to get involved in something like D/s due to just this reason. They do not have the emotional maturity or wisdom that years can bring you to get involved in Domination and submission. Another reason why this site has an age limit of 25 to even be involved at all.


  • submrsadmin_



    As our hearts may feel for the people involved in this alleged scenario. However what you are describing may be a crime.

    Domestic Abuse is a serious matter and one that is not suitable for our communities.

    If your recollection of the events described are in fact true, you should report it immediately to the authorities and allow them to determine if it is in fact a crime or not. As for the victim of the crime, they should consult professional assistance for their recovery.

    Posting an alleged crime is in violation of our TOS. The original post has been removed.

    subMrs Admin

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