Power Exchange


Power Exchange

What’s this? Is it a scene?

I had someone ask me what a power exchange is… What does it mean?

This term can be used to describe a Dominate & submissive (D/s) relationship and or an actual activity such as scening.

The giving and/or receiving of “…sexual, sensual… force or authority to, from, or with someone else”. Within the BDSM communities, this exchange is understood as the centering mechanism through which a host of erotic, sensual, sexual, and spiritual paths may cross.
It is an interaction between Tops (Doms) and Bottoms (subs) —where physical and/or mental control of the Bottom is surrendered to the Top.

How I like to describe this is imagine a large circle…

Dominate is at the Top. He feeds from his submissive (subMrs.) He gains dominance from her submission. Controlling an action or activity. She gives to him freely. Her body if fed by his Dominance of it, pain & pleasure. Her brain/heart is fed from his words. She in turn becomes more of what he needs and becomes more submissive for him, feeding him more. It keeps going in a circle… All positive.

This all needs to be consensual. You need to communicate and be honest always. Enjoy one another. Find a comfort in one another’s flesh.


Best Wishes in Submission,
Little Kaninchen

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